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Alizarin Order (FC & LS)

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❝ People without knowledge

of their history, origin, and culture

is like a tree without roots. ❞




The Alizarin Order «OATH» is a small, tight-knit group

of friends that is looking for casual roleplayers to join our ranks!

We are adults that play and RP casually, as our IRL schedules allow.

We have recently undergone some "rebranding" and are making plans

for our future as a medium RP FC!  =D


If interested in joining The Order ICly but already have an FC-

Fear not! We have an LS as well for our scholarly endeavors!

Contact us for an invite to the LS, which is currently OOC

but will become an IC space with time.



The Order

The Alizarin Order (ICly) is an order of scholars chronicling the cultural history of Eorzea.

They show a particular interest in Eorzea's lesser-known tribes, forgotten kingdoms, and zealous beastmen.

Currently, The Order is recruiting more savants and students to their cause,

and growing their reputation in the scholarly communities of the realm.



OATH is open to characters who are:

→  scholars & knowledge-seekers interested in the lore and cultures found across the Realm.

→  skilled guardians to serve & protect The Order's savants during field work & The Chalet itself.

→  those who would like to do courier or errand work for The Order or Chalet.




Take the Oath

Please see the corresponding tabs of this post for more information,

and contact Queen Frejyalen or Ayra Sagramore to meet with us in-game.


Side note:  Please allow two or so days for Queen to respond to your inquiries;

she has a full-time job Monday through Friday and may need time to get in touch.

Serious inquiries only from this point forth.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Erm so Balmung yes?! Cause I'm house broken and The Queen seems friendly. But the Balmung server is never open..


On Balmung we are definitely interested in RP; I am currently un-subbed until next month, but if you send me a private message here, I can talk to you all about joining the FC.  =D


^.^  If you use this official forum as reference, you can refresh at the hours listed to see if Balmung is open!  I find that it's usually open for character creation at the really early hours of the morning, but it depends on the day!


If you are transferring an already existing character, they should allow you onto the server without waiting.


Hope that helps!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...



FC information has been updated, more officer contacts added, and a new tab about the FC house!


We are open for recruitment and working on setting a date for our grand opening RP event!  Yay!


If anyone is interested in joining the FC or other RP opportunities, please msg me here or in-game!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I know you said to message someone in-game, but I'm posting this at ungodly hours. Are you all still open to new members for the FC? I'm pretty interested in joining!


We are open to new members, yes.  =]  We'll be a little slow due to the holiday season being upon us, but we would be happy to have you meet up with us and interview~

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  • 1 month later...

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