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My fist visit to the FF world


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Hello everyone, I'm Eme, and my character on Balmung is Emeraven Stormrose. As the title says this is my first foray into any FF game, so I'm excited to learn about it. So far Im very impressed and like the activity of the RP community. I am usually running around, but don't be afraid to grab me for a random RP if you do spot me.

I've RP'd for many years in EQ1&2, Rift and a few others, and glad to get the chance to come into a new community and start again. 


I hope to see some of you around the server :)

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Hey there, Eme, welcome to the RPC! This was mostly my first FF game, as well. It's not too difficult to adjust to the world and its lore. :) Feel free to say hello if you see me around!

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