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In the Shadows of Death's Wings


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((The Rules and set up))


1)  IC knowledge does not equal OOC knowledge.  For this role-play it is imperative that you don't use OOC information.  I know this will be a problem though since oyu are all awesome rpers. 


2) Please note that no character may be harmed or killed without their player’s consent (OOC)  Does not mean you can’t attack them and miss all day lol 


3) Combat:  There will be fighting in this.  Rules are below.


4) Have fun! 


Combat:  to make combat a smooth action and to remove level gaps from the equation, we will be rping combat.  However, to keep things from getting bogged down, we will be using the following rules.


1)  Combat will take place as a back-and-forth.  One side will go, making their attack (or attacks, if multiple attackers) first.  To see if your attack hits, we will be using rollz.org for combat. Combat will be based on dice rolls with Attacker and defender trying to role higher than the other, in the event of a tie, it is a draw.  When attacking,  you will post how you want to attack and roll the dice, adding the dice roll to the post:  Ex:


  -Tom rolls his dice and then posts in game : Adin draws his sword and lunges forward, trying to impale his foe with the pointy end.  (( rolled 4))


It's important that your post says what you're trying to do, not that you hit, because the defender will roll and then post what happens.  Ex:



  - Ali rolls her dice and gets a five.  Since the result is higher,she takes no damage.  Ali posts: Meera steps to the side and avoids the attack, grinning. ((Rolled 5))


Now that Tom's attack is resolved, it is Ali's turn to attack.  In the likely situation of multiple attackers on one person, all players on one side attack first, each going in order from left to right making an attack and letting the defender defend. Ex:


  -Tom keeps missing so Fred joins in.  Tom is on left so he goesfirst - Adin attacks ((Rolls 3))



 - Ali rolls and posts "Meera dodge." ((5))


  - Fred rolls and posts - Torin attacks with an axeswing.  ((6))



  -  Ali rolls and scowls as she posts  -  "Aliis struck with a glancing blow on the shoulder and blood rushes out.  ((rolled 3))


Now it's Ali's turn to attack but she can only attack one so she must becareful.


But what happens when you are hit?  You lose a hit point!  All characters have 3 hp (this is subject to change based on player numbers on either side.)


Once you have 0 hp, you are knocked out, or forced to flee, player's choice.


Healing classes can, instead of attacking, heal a wound on someone.  Note, can only do this once every three rounds to prevent over healing.


2) No one player may be engaged in combat with more than 3 opponents simultaneously.  To indicate you are in combat with someone, walk up to them and unsheathe your weapon.  Once a player has 3 people standing in front of them, no other player may enter the fray until a player is beaten.  An example of said formation is below with "O"representing one side and "X" the other


O  O  O



3) But what if a friend is in trouble against three people?  You may run over and engage one of the enemies one on one by walking over and standing in front of them with your weapon unsheathed.  Whisper them you are engaging them and both you and the person you've engaged move a few feet away to show your ally is only engaged with 2 people now.  Visual example below.


O  O  O = O  O  O =  O  O      O

    X     =     X  X  =       X      X


4) IMPORTANT:  During combat, your emotes should be no more than a few sentences long.  This is to keep combat flowing quickly and from jumbling up the chat window with long posts.


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Hey folks,

Before I crash for the night, I wanted to take a moment to thank the ridiculously large number of heroes that showed up for this event tonight. I know I was sort of in charge of the hero side...but I never expected to have that many people..AND the event to go relatively smoothly!

Not trying to step on Askier's toes, but I just wanted to really thank everyone for a very fun night of Rp, and something that felt like the community was really a living thing.

I had a great time, and am glad to have made some awesome IC connections in the process. I hope everyone else had a similar vibe. It's really not an easy thing to get something that large to move like it did!

And Misha...thank the twelve for your help in wrangling everyone together at the beginning! I'd have just facedesked without you, or Ran away :cactuar:


That's all, just wanted to toss that buzz out there while I was still riding the energy wave of it all.

Night folks!!

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On behalf of the organizers, thank you all!


Iron Sea & Misha Jinhri: Thank you for stepping up to the colossal challenge of helping organize such a high turnout! Trust me when I say that we understand how swamped one can get when buried under /tell and LS messages from so many people. Was even more impressed when I learned that you're on PS4, Iron! And Misha, tyvm for helping poor Iron out when things got to be too much.


Igluvijaq Crow, Austurmax Laforet, Anelia Sadowyn, Oscare Iono as "The Strategist", and Zachary Evans as "Theatre Crow": Thank you for showing up and throwing in with the baddies to help bolster our ranks! We would have been much more hard-pressed for tense conflict had you not given your time and energy to stand against the forces of good! It's regrettable that we didn't have more time for pre-event RP and that our villains were strewn throughout Moraby for the duration of the event, meaning less interaction. Perhaps next time!


Everyone who participated: Thank you so very much for being patient with us when it came to organization, explanation, etc. Thank you for showing up, and thank you also for sticking around! We hope everyone had fun. <3

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^^ That! We thank you all so much for participating and making this event a success! I hope you all had as much fun as I did, and again, a special thank you to Iron and Misha for stepping up and getting everything together! :D


Also here are a few pictures I took.




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^^ That! We thank you all so much for participating and making this event a success! I hope you all had as much fun as I did, and again, a special thank you to Iron and Misha for stepping up and getting everything together! :D


Also here are a few pictures I took.


:cry: ... where's Igloo? Really? It's fine when I get home I'll see if I can find one of her there.


Yes thank you for getting everyone into groups. The group I was in ran very smoothly and it was a lot of fun.


Also, in a more IC'ly intended shout out:


Here's a big F-U to Kakaru for healing Iron Sea. That potion literally saved him from being knocked out COLD. Lalalalala... cold.... Igloo.... cold...okay.




Edda, Igloo's princess, why were you taken to another castle? Le Weep

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^^ That! We thank you all so much for participating and making this event a success! I hope you all had as much fun as I did, and again, a special thank you to Iron and Misha for stepping up and getting everything together! :D


Also here are a few pictures I took.


:cry: ... where's Igloo? Really? It's fine when I get home I'll see if I can find one of her there.


Yes thank you for getting everyone into groups. The group I was in ran very smoothly and it was a lot of fun.


Also, in a more IC'ly intended shout out:


Here's a big F-U to Kakaru for healing Iron Sea. That potion literally saved him from being knocked out COLD. Lalalalala... cold.... Igloo.... cold...okay.




Edda, Igloo's princess, why were you taken to another castle? Le Weep

Thank god for FF Tactics logic for potions! Pfffft. And Igloo seemed happy to get her jaw knocked off >.> Had to do something to end that potty mouth for TOS sake! Iron was a human ban hammer.

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:cry: ... where's Igloo? Really? It's fine when I get home I'll see if I can find one of her there.


Yes thank you for getting everyone into groups. The group I was in ran very smoothly and it was a lot of fun.



I thought I had gotten her in one of the pictures, but Iron's leg was hiding her xD

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Hello all. We are currently setting up the final event for this rp. It will be taking place on Saturday at 9 pm CDT. 


We are currently in the early stages of planning

 but this event will be different from original idea because of organic rp events that have vastly changed the flow of the event and, in my opinion, for the better. :)


This saturday the event will be better if we can get some People to volunteer to simply show up and act as cultist npc's for the event. No need to prior rp or make an alt. Just show up and be a cultist in a robe. :)


If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please shoot me, Ragnar, or Osric a pm so we can add you to the list.


Will have fina event update and new details soon-ish after we touch base with Iron and Misha. :)

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:cry: ... where's Igloo? Really? It's fine when I get home I'll see if I can find one of her there.


Yes thank you for getting everyone into groups. The group I was in ran very smoothly and it was a lot of fun.



I thought I had gotten her in one of the pictures, but Iron's leg was hiding her xD

That's right! Iron would never let someone who harmed Edda to be given fame in a picture!

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Sorry I haven't had a chance to post before now! The last few days were a bit busy.


I had a really fantastic time at the event on Saturday :D Going up against those Crows felt like a boss fight to me, and that was just so cool. I also enoyed the fact that I didn't take any damage, the dice love me! haha!


I seriously look forward to the next event, though I think Lillith and Meta need to do some Crow tailing at some point. They do have a job to fullfil! Hehehe *finger pyramid*


Seriously, thank you to EVERYONE. It was a blast.

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I seriously look forward to the next event, though I think Lillith and Meta need to do some Crow tailing at some point. They do have a job to fullfil! Hehehe *finger pyramid*


Should Oubliette be worried? :D

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I seriously look forward to the next event, though I think Lillith and Meta need to do some Crow tailing at some point. They do have a job to fullfil! Hehehe *finger pyramid*


Should Oubliette be worried? :D

I would think he should be.... thrilled. :lol:


Oh boy

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I seriously look forward to the next event, though I think Lillith and Meta need to do some Crow tailing at some point. They do have a job to fullfil! Hehehe *finger pyramid*


Should Oubliette be worried? :D

I would think he should be.... thrilled. :lol:


Oh boy


Oub was just literally melting down with happiness during last saturday event.

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Hey no worries you two! Rl responsibility and stuff. I stayed up late and have a long shift to polish off. Should have been smart like you two. Lol.


Anyway, thank you all who came out last night for mini event. Getting to fight 9 people solo was an interesting experience. 


Can't wait to wrap up this event Saturday with a big finale event! :)

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