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Misha Jinhri

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I. Basic Info 


  • Characters:Misha Jinhri, Arietha Lake, Chichia Chia, and like... five others... who I may play/RP eventually.
  • Primary character:Misha Jinhri
  • Linkshells:Have three at the moment, happy to join more.
  • Primary RP linkshell:Don't have an IC one yet.

II. RP Style 


  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    Heavy. Too heavy. I probably RP too much. ;-;
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    Well... I'm usually alright with different sort of ways to handle RP combat. I enjoy RP combat myself. However, at least with my experience in other games, combat RP doesn't always go too smoothly. A lot of people want to be the hero, the victor, and so on, which is understandable. But when people start to godmode, avoid every hit/attack, are super duper powerful, and so on, it's not as fun. If someone is willing to take a few hits, that's great! It shows they're not some immortal and all powerful being. It's also nice if someone is willing to lose or have a draw... and not get upset or angry over it. I think fights tend to go best when they're with people you know and friends, easier to work out that way, but that doesn't mean RP combat with new people is bad or not fun. If I am in an IC combat situation, and someone does a ton of godmoding, I'll most likely just walk away. Not going to make a fuss over it. As for injuries, I don't mind those either. If my character were to ever get injured, I may want to RP the recovery some, depending on how severe it is. Though with healing magic seemingly abundant in this game, I guess it'd be common for most injuries to be healed rather easily. - I am new to this game, so I'm still figuring things out as I go.
  • Views on IC romance:
    I'm a sucker for romance. In shows, movies, books, and so on. I don't depend on it, and I don't focus on it, but it's definitely nice. However, it's strictly IC and will remain IC. I am not opposed to ERP, but I'd only ever do that if my character(s) was in a serious relationship. Meaning I don't go around searching for someone to ERP with, that's not me, and I wouldn't want that. I want it to be part of the RP and storyline. If someone were in a relationship with a character of mine, and was uncomfortable with ERP or anything intimate, fading to black is perfectly alright. What's important is that everyone has fun AND are comfortable and happy!
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    Always fun! However I get a bit worried if like, let's say, I have someone RP an important character that's part of my character's background, so I sort of depend on then... annnnd then they stop playing that character, or disappear. I wouldn't want to put pressure on anyone, but it's sometimes disappointing when someone important to your RP vanishes without word. It happens though, not the end of world. There are ways to work with it or around it. If it's more of a casual thing, then that works even better. I like casual RP too. Love going around and chatting with random people at the tavern and getting to know new folks.
  • Views on lore:
    I'm new to FFXIV, soooo... I know hardly any lore yet. I need to brush up on it. That being said, I like to stick to lore as much as I can. Now... if someone else were to not follow it, or break it completely, I'm not going to hate on them or look down on them. I'd be happy to RP with just about anyone. And if there was someone that ... I dunno... RPed as a robot from the future or something, which may not be my cup of tea, I'd just maybe ignore them, or let them know politely that I may not be interested in RPing with them. But I'm not going to be mean or throw insults at them.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    UHHHHHG. Being new, I'm really not used to the chat yet - mainly the UI. It's going to take some getting used to. I sometimes have trouble when there's a ton of people around and keeping up with all the chat. I wish the names were colored or more noticeable and not melted in with the rest of the text. Besides that, I usually RP in says, no quotations marks for me, and use emotes a lot. If I am OOC, I almost always use (( brackets )) or something of the sort.

III. Other Info 

  • Country:USA
  • Timezone:EST
  • Contact info:I have a tumblr page HERE where I can be contacted. And for people I get to know fairly well, I also have Skype I'm willing to share. You can also contact me in game or on this website too!


[align=center][glow=blue]~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~[/glow][/align]


I probably shouldn't have written this while I'm sleep deprived and extremely tired. T_T Also, if anyone wants to RP with me, chat OOC, plan something, etc, I'd be happy to! Just lemme know and contact me! :)

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