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It's pronounced "Luh-oon," but call me Loon if it's easier!


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Hello everyone! I'm Lu'un, Loon, or Luke (if we're going by reality, but who cares about reality here?) 


I'll be honest, I'm very new to the world of MMORPG roleplaying. I've been forum roleplaying since I was a fetus and I got wifi in the womb, but the concept of roleplaying in an MMORPG never crossed my mind. Which is odd, because I've played about every game out there.


I've played FFXIV since beta, took a break about a month after launch, and just came back at the beginning of this month. My biggest issue with the game was the end game content, and I ended up logging on just to check the party finder, not find what I was looking for, and logging off. Now that I'm back, however, I'd like to add some more depth to my game. I love my character, I love to roleplay... So coming here made sense, right?


I found this place after stumbling on a Reddit thread, and thinking "Hey, I want to switch servers anyways. I should give this whole roleplaying thing a shot." Since this is my first go at MMORPG roleplaying, and I was primarily a lone-wolf player, I have very little on my character. He's primarily a White Mage, for starters. I can whip up some basic background stuff pretty easily, but I've always come up with my character traits as I go along. I never liked choosing ahead of time, because I'd choose "stoic, quiet type" and then be in a forum full of "talkative, outgoing" types. So I hope to find some friends here, and start building the bulk of Lu'un's background and personality around those interactions.


I'd like to be a medium-to-heavy roleplayer, as I do tend to work out a great deal of detail for threads I feel passionate for. Of course, that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to play lightly every so often. Just call me a jack-of-all-trades kind of roleplayer.


In real life, I'm as nerdy as you can get. I'm a 21 year old video game design major that cosplays in his free time. I work in a restaurant, I absolutely despise said job, and can't wait until I find that perfect antisocial desk job I've always dreamed of. 


I'm off to stalk the forums to find a nice little group to play with that will be nice to a newbie. Thanks for taking the time to read this, everyone!

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Hello there, welcome to Balmung! Likewise, I did forum RP for the longest time before about three years ago, I was coerced into playing MMO's and thus RPing in them. It's a bit different than forum RP, but it's a smooth enough transition. I also understand your pain of working in a restaurant. :( Anywho, I'm always glad to make new friends and RP buddies, so feel free to say hello anytime!

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Hello there, welcome to Balmung! Likewise, I did forum RP for the longest time before about three years ago, I was coerced into playing MMO's and thus RPing in them. It's a bit different than forum RP, but it's a smooth enough transition. I also understand your pain of working in a restaurant. :( Anywho, I'm always glad to make new friends and RP buddies, so feel free to say hello anytime!

Hello! Nice to meet you! I imagine I'll transition relatively well. It's good to know I'm not the only one to make the switch!

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