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Sultansworn Killed In Action

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by Spahro Llorn


Sultansworn Natalie McBeef was killed in action recently while pursuing the investigation into Captain Nero Lazarov, a pirate wanted in connection to a smuggling operation.  Ser McBeef was in charge of the investigation into Lazarov's alleged smuggling of Garlean weaponry into the Silver Bazaar, and it was this investigation which led to her death. 


Though details released by the Sultansworn are vague, it is known that McBeef was leading a raid when she was fatally wounded.  According to Ser Coatleque Crofte, the Sultansworn representative who has taken over the investigation from Ser McBeef, McBeef did not seem to be severely injured and insisted that other members of her party be seen to first.  While her companions were being treated she passed away from her injuries.


Questions remain about the exact nature of the encounter which led to Ser McBeef's death, but details are being withheld due to the ongoing investigation.  Evidence linking Jameson Taeros's personal relationship with Ser McBeef, and accusations of his involvement with the smuggling ring cast a dark shadow over the death of one of The Jewel's sworn defenders.  Ser McBeef herself was under scrutiny at the time of her death.


"Natalie McBeef may not have been an exemplary paladin," Ser Crofte said.  "But she was a credit to her grace's Sworn.  There are few among the order who were able to take action as forcefully as she when the time called for it."


Donations to the McBeef Memorial Fund may be dropped off at the Sultansworn offices in The Scholar's Walk or at The Tonberry's Lantern offices off of Pearl Lane.

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