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[ Balmung ] Fresh meat


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Hello there! I'm a new player on Balmung and getting back into RP after a long lull. I'm really pleased that the RP community is so prevalent. I actually played a bit of FFXIV 1.0, but I didn't really try A Realm Reborn until now. I currently main a level 35 Lalafell scholar. My in-game name is Kerori Peroli. I haven't completely worked out and IC persona for him yet, but I'm very excited to play with you all. 


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Welcome to Eorzea, to Balmung, and the RPC! :3


My character is Steel Wolf, and I'm leveling up a Rawrior right now (37 at the time of this writing), so if you'd like to meet up at some point to maybe RP out a character concept, then I'm more than willing to help!


Or, failing that, just peruse this here forum and see if maybe some inspiration can strike....or even ask for opinions!  These folks are some of the more helpful lot I've experienced in MMO gaming.


Enjoy yourself, most of all!  And here's hoping I don't step on you! <3

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I play two characters in the game, Ereshkigal Atropos and Adelina Lee, both in various stages of leveling various jobs and crafting/gathering classes. If you'd like to RP or discuss character development (or anything really), please feel free to message me! :)  Also, Scholar is my main so I'm more than happy to answer questions, give out my secret not so secret macros and so much more! :P


As Steel said, this community and the site itself is very helpful and they have all kinds of great advice and brainstorming ideas for new characters. I'm on here daily now looking at all the new content and reading up, expanding my two based on some of the things I've read or questions asked by others.


Once again, welcome and I hope you enjoy your game time!

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