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Hi! So I used to play FFXIV: ARR.. and now I'm coming back! And bringing a friend! We're looking for a heavy RP FC or LS.. oh, and here's my template thing!



--MMORPG background

FFXI for almost 7 years (until my char was stolen and used for farming!), FFXIV, FFXIV:ARR, City of heroes, LOTR online, SWTOR, Champions online.. 


--RP experience

lots.. started rping in yahoo chat user rooms, and then forums. also rp'ed extensively in FFXI and FFXIV:ARR


--Character ideas/info

So I'm gonna make a Miqote, cause that's why my friend asked me to make heh. She'll be gifted in magic, but have a yearning to learn more. She'll want to initially focus on helping others, having the powers to help others. We're actually talking out our characters now heh


--How did you learn about the coalition?

I knew about it before when I played.. and was reminded about it from someone on ZAM


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?



--Anything from real life you'recomfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

My name is Ashley, and I love to RP. Also love games, obviously. I work at a plasma donation center, and I'm really looking forward to playing!

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