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I've been hanging about the site for awhile now but have decided it's about time that I introduced myself, particularly now that I have a wiki-page to show for myself!


--MMORPG background


I've been a nearly life-long MMO player, starting way back in 1999 with EverQuest. I stayed in Norrath for about 4 years before I moved, with some friends, over to Vana'diel in Final Fantasy XI but wouldn't be for very long. I had been there for even a year before my friends started to wander off and I followed after a short while. From there it was back to EverQuest for a little bit  before deciding to try out EverQuest 2. My stay there likely wouldn't have been very long either if it hadn't been for my discovery of MMO Roleplay. Now I've spent nearly a decade with EverQuest 2 while occasionally absconding to other games when a change of pace calls out to me!


Games I've played in the past include (in no particular order): Star Wars Galaxies, RIFT, Aion, Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online, The Old Republic, The Secret World and Dungeons and Dragons Online!


I actually came to Final Fantasy XIV under the impression that I wasn't going to like it, as I had played during the beta all those years ago and was left uninterested. Perhaps I should have taken the fact that each race had rather fleshed out naming schemes as a sign! Consequently I began my career on the muggle server Brynhildr. Before I knew it I had been sucked in quite thoroughly and logged in more hours than I probably should have! My hubris proved my undoing since any game I consider playing in the long-term I do so while RPing.


So here I find myself introducing myself to all of you whilst I work my way through the main scenario once again.


--RP experience


I've always been one to think up small back stories about my characters in games, but I've been roleplaying proper in MMOs for around 10 years now with my first experience being in EverQuest 2. I had stumbled across a guild conducting and IC guild meeting in a public place. They had caught my interest to say the least and, after hanging around and being absorbed into their conversation, I took quickly to the idea of MMO RP. I've never looked back from there!


I've RP'd in some form or another in most games that I've played over the years, but not too many have held onto me like Final Fantasy XIV has thus far and that's without roleplay as of yet!



--Character ideas/info


Currently I am playing an Ala Mhigan by the name of Barengar Armsbreaker. He's a fairly internal man but sociable enough when properly proded (which I encourage you fine people to do!). He's a fairly recent arrival to this side of region of Eorzea, having spent a large chunk of time with the Ala Mhigan resistance. All that time with so little progress has worn thin on the man however, leaving him a bit cynical and jaded. After some recent events he's decided to put the resistance behind him and now works as a mercenary of sorts to pay his bills.


I'm also considering the transfer of my current main character, an industrious Hellsguard Roegadyn named Stalwart Bastion. Even though his life started among muggles and there aren't too many details set in stone for him yet, there's still some character behind him. He's a valiant man with a noble soul and love of industry. Most at home with the forge or behind a drafting but not one to shy away from standing up for his beliefs. 


--How did you learn about the coalition?


A friend of mine that started playing the game pointed me in this direction, after I failed to seek it out when I first started playing!


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


I enjoy being in-character as often as plausible, but I'm not stubborn about it. I tend to "go with the flow" when it comes to dungeons and the like. I'm entirely comfortable running the in either way. While running out and about, however, I'm just about always ready and willing to roleplay with whoever taps my shoulder!


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


I'm twenty-five and a student in my senior year of a BS in Computer Science  but I've been writing stories (juvenile as that might have been!) since elementary school. I've enjoyed avenues of exercising my imagination and creativity from a young age! This may make my chosen career path of software engineering seem curious to some, but I've come to find it to require just the same in its own way.


While gaming and roleplay tend to consume the lion's share of my free time, I also enjoy lap-swims and reading before sleep!


Oh, I'm also a recent addict of the fighting game genre with recent vices including King of Fighters XIII and BlazBlue!


But, to make a long story short, hello everyone and I look forward to playing with all of you!

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Hello hello! A (late?) welcome to HRC! It's nice to finally meet you. :P 


Really like the sound of your characters, it'll be great to hear more about you and them, and hopefully see you around Balmung!


I'm a fellow read before sleep-er, although sometimes have to resist as I end up getting carried away and stay up for much longer than intended.. 'just.. need to finish.. this bit!'

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Thank you for the welcome!


Also, flying under the radar is what tends to happen when you post things in the wee hours of the morning. I have only myself to blame for that, hehe!


I look forward to bumping into you both around Eorzea. And, yes, reading before sleep can be a fairly dangerous prospect, I agree!

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