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BALMUNG Storycircle


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[align=center]Eorzea is the land of jolliness and happiness. [/align]


[align=center]Join your fellow folks for a tales and experiences that transcend the stars themselves! Join Oscare Iono in sharing your stories or passing on the ideas you hold true to your heart.[/align]

[align=center]"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." Henry David Thoreau




Event begins at 4PM EST, at Central Shroud, the Lifemend Stump (x27, y15)! Event this time is on January 31st! (31/1)


So just like last time, I'LL INSERT A COPY AND PAST FOR LAZINESS. HERE'S SOME RULES. On a first come, first serve basis, participants will contact OSCARE on the forums. If time permits at the event itself, we will take more volunteers by in game tells directed to OSCARE IONO. Participants will be put into (WordPad) a queue for the hosts to refer to at the event! Stories can be about anything you like. Humorous, serious. Preaching an ideal -- or just sharing a story about a scar or your best friend! Anything goes! Afterwards, we'll have a short session of post-event RP where Oscare will be generous enough to cook and bring drinks for everyone there... or make his best attempts to.


Just one rule!


  • Be respectful when someone is sharing a story. Feel free to use /em and /s, but don't flood. 

Alright! I hope to see you all there! [/align]



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hurray so excited for another one and more stories. Also the venue is going to be just lovely!




Question is though what is Oscare going to wear?


I have a few suggestions for this one...



Oh? I'd like to hear them. :P


I'd post birthday suits as a suggestion, but that'd be NSFW and inappropriate for this site.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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