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WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!! [Future commissions?]

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Hi. =/ This is my first time posting so I'm still kind of lost. Forums aren't really my thing but I'm having to learn them all over again. I've been playing XIV for about a year, and it's my first major MMO. I had to overhaul my OS to even play it and it was months before I figured out how to toggle my settings to optimize my FPS (I spent about my first three months running--crawling, at 12).


Well, when we overhauled my OS, I lost access to my scanner, tablet, and CD drives, everything I have is so oldschool. Everyone just said 'get new ones' but I wasn't about to throw out 500 dollars worth of digital art equipment and misc. hardware, yanno? So for the last ten months we've struggled on and off with the drivers online (since I had perfectly good drivers on a CD I couldn't boot cause the drives weren't reading). I can do hardware, just not really a software kind of guy. After all, the first time someone mentioned 'what's your FPS' I was just like 'oh I dun play first person shooters'.


TL; DR : I haven't done any dedicated drawing for the last year or so, since I wouldn't have any way of being able to share it. Well, my trusty Freelanders helped me tame the savage beasts and it was a magnificent Christmas present.


I am trying to get back in to practice, and decided to post this to get my toes wet in the community. Hopefully if things go well with my drawing and I get back in the swing of things, I may even be able to branch out in to taking commissions, so this will be the starter thread for my progress of sketches that are strictly XIV related. For now it'll mostly just be my character K, since I have the easiest access to toggle his character for viewing and reference.



screen capture freeware



Mostly posting this to both show my love for the game and to get a vote/quote on what people think this sort of thing would be worth in the event I decide to take commissions.

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