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I just recently transferred to Balmung from Famfrit so I could give some role-play a shot. New to the server and I've been playing the game for about 4 months. Still not max level yet. e_e Oops.



--MMORPG background

I played a lot of WoW. Like, a lot. I RP'd quite a bit on Steamwheedle Cartel then on Moon Guard afterward. I played Aion, Perfect World, um, GW1, GW2, FF11, etc. Lots of MMO's!


--RP experience

I started first RPing with my older sisters DnD books when I was like, 10 or so. After, I did lots of RP on different anime forums and then onto WoW. I like to think I've got a good grasp on most RP!


--Character ideas/info

Anna is a very calm and collected person on the outside, manners and all. Inwardly, her mind is warped and nearing sadistic. She used to be part of a mercenary group based out of Limsa, though wasn't an upfront fighter, more so strategized and envisioned the plans to succeed. The deaths of her comrades came when she was offered more money by another group, thus, sending them to their demise during a routine mission.



Currently, the newest group has run short of work and she's on the prowl for another monetary gain.



(( There's more I have planned out, I just didn't wanna give everything away! ))



--How did you learn about the coalition?

I actually just Googled FF14 role-play and this came up first!



--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Heavy RPer, most definitely. I'm almost always IC and willing to go hours on end, playing the life of my toon. I've done a lot of research on the lore of FF14 and built my character around it. There's definitely grey areas but, I tend to stick within the guidelines as definite as I can. Full immersion, pretty much all of the time!



--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Well, I'm on the West Coast, so PST. I'm 19, go to college currently at WSU. I love to game, I really like to draw and write, as well. Yeah, other than that, pretty basic and boring!



So, to end, if anyone's wanting to RP or contact me, don't feel shy about it! I'll accept friend requests and read messages here on the RPC as well! Oh, yeah, also looking for an FC, so gonna try and hunt some heavy RP ones down.


Thanks for reading, have a good day!

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