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Hey everyone! My name is Vespaer Dagalli, which is also my main character in final fantasy on Balmung. :)


Im a Canadian who would rather be inside where its warm than outside where its cold....depending on what im doing ofcourse lol. Im 26 years of age and always in good spirits. My first mmo was Aion and i role played on there quite a bit and havent gotten enough since. From there ive moved to Tera but even though the game was fun, the roleplay really wasnt there. Now that Final fantasy is out and has been out for a long time, i got a taste of it at the beginning but since there its just been playing the game and so now here i am, joining the website and introducing myself to let you all know that i am ready.


Ive come back to Balmung after a very long hiatus of being on other servers and im looking to get back into the RPing scenario. Ive created a new character (sorta) and have put the rest of my characters from other servers into retirement.


If you wanna get a hold of me, just add Vespaer Dagalli to your friends list and there ill be.


Look forward to meeting you all and rping with you all as well. :moogle:

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Wooooooo!! :D Hello and welcome back to the game!


TERA's RP community should have been so much stronger. Really a bit of a shame. But their loss is Balmung's gain. :3


I'm usually on at around 7pm EST (except for days like today where I'm working a wretched overnight shift blegh) so feel free to give me a poke in-game then on either of my characters.


Failing that, here's hoping we interact in the forum regardless! <3

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