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Hey guys,


I'm  planning on transferring my character into Balmung (staying up til 5am to try and get into the server is for the birds xD).


I haven't RPed in a while and was itching to get back into it in some way.  I come from a Neverwinter Nights/Neverwinter Nights 2 RP background as well as briefly on Guildwars 2 and SW:TOR.


I am curious if there are any other avenues of out-of-game communication, other than the forums.  Do y'all have a skype group or a Teamspeak?  Just curious!  My only other question would be: what are the hot spots for getting into random open-RP without feeling like I need to have a guild to be included?:blush:


I don't know what else to say but if anyone has questions for me personally, I'd love to answer them!  I know it's cliche to say this but I look forward to getting to know you guys, IC and OOC.8-)



MY RP Times:  I stream every day (usually!) starting between 7pm and 8pm EST at twitch.tv/ratbirdchampion if anyone is interested, but that means my RP personal times won't start until 8pm+ EST.

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Welcome! "May the path in the light of the crystal" be filled with many memories and experiences when you do transfer!


I think there's a sort of skype thing... In fact, if you search it up, one of them should be a forum specifically for all your skype-ing wants and desires~


Umm, I can only say this, personally, that The Quicksand in Ul'dath, and the city itself in the vicinity of The Quicksand, seems to be a hotspot for such a thing. Otherwise, there's other ways that I'm sure the other members here will gladly inform you on better than I could! >w<

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Pre-emptive Roegadyn crushhugs as you make your way into Balmung! \o/


I'll parrot Ligardian in saying that Ul'dah is certainly a hotbed of RP activity...to the point that it might be a touch overwhelming. Otherwise, there's other interactions around the area. Or you can head to the Making Connections forum and mention what you're looking for, or peruse other postings that might strike your fancy.


Or...if you'd like some FemRoe or Elezen in your digital life, I'm usually found around 7pm EST nightly. You're more than welcome to give me a poke. :3


Hope you have fun!! <3

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