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My Life Finally Begins Here


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I...I have this very strong feeling you appreciate the Tales series. I'm not quite sure why. But if you do, I'm sure we'll be great friends.biggrin.gif


With that said, welcome! If you need anything feel free to get in touch with me if you can find me (Shiina Ayana), and I'd be happy to RP with ya!


Totally willing to help you level to, if that's something you're interested in. :3


Right?! I neglected to point that out but I recognized the possible reference to the series as well! X3

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you with us! Should you be hankerin' for any roleplay, don't be afraid to hit me up, I'm very patient and friendly, not to mention more than willing to show you the ropes! :D I know you've mentioned you feel as though at times you're a bit of an outcast, but should you feel you're in need of a chatty, friendly, and helpful "looking for roleplay" linkshell, I'm a leader of The Tavern and can toss you an invite if you'd like to give it a chance! The folks in it are just lovely.

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I hear ya about the shy thing... I, too, would prefer to be approached because I'm kinda insecure over the idea that I'm just an uninterested person and that they only accept the approach just to be nice.... I mean I'm 100% sure that no one in the game is like that! I'm sure they'll genuinely accept the approach and even welcome it too! It's just that's one of the kind of anxieties that I gotta deal and fight with ><;


Hehe... But you seem particularly liked here considering how many people responded to you so I'm sure that you'll be just fine >X3


Post screenshots? Uhh, in game, there's the printscreen button to take a snapshot. The source of the screenshots you take, from there, should be somewhere in your game folder (I don't remember the directory but when you go to the game folder for FFXIV, there should be a folder that says Screenshots.... FYI, you can go adjust certain settings so that you can pick another location on where the screenshots will be saved and stored for your convenience).


Um I think I screw reply to post up xD. I'm so not familiar with this. I know how you feel too. I always hoping someone would approach me but at the same time I kept thinking maybe that person just approach me just to be nice. I get so many negative thoughts despite my exterior. I learn how to hide my anxieties well and that gives me a poker face. (which helps me a lot in my first time playing Poker xD. They thought they could win off a newbie but with my poker face, they have no clue what my hand is. So I end up winning 100 bucks!) I have very few RL friends but they're the best friends who would have my back. I believe it's better to have few true friends than having multiple casual friends. Sadly while I know I can count on my friends to help me in need, they don't share the same interests as me. I love RP. I love RPGS. So playing FFXIV on this server that combined two of my favorites? I'm just beyond ecstatic. I can finally feel like I'm starting my life. Hence the title of this thread lol.


As for the screenshots, I'm trying to figure out how to zoom into the face and use that as my avatar. I'm also trying to figure out how to post picture here on the forum.


Um okay, I have no idea how to quote multiple people xD! I'm trying to click "Quote this" but it's not working for me. I'm just gonna copy and past from another web page.


Never mind, copying and paste doesn't work for me either xD! I'm so forum illiterate. I'll just do this the good old fashioned way.



Chicken Nugger: Thank you for inviting me over to the table! Through you, I made more friends! I can't express how much thanks I want to give to you. Also, I don't take compliment well. :blush: I'm never used to people complimenting me or saying positive stuff about me. So when you said I'm enthusiastic. So any compliment you give me, I'll absolutely deny it out of habit xD. I need to fix that but since I'm here, maybe I'll be more positive.


Kamome: After being introvert in RL and umm Internet life for so long, I just suddenly want to burst to the open xD. Trust me, my internet life is so bad that I only spent half of hour browsing emails and exploring video game/anime news. I get so bored that I went to the same website repeatedly for any update. I avoided forums like the plague ever since I was so scarred by it long time ago. Talk about pathetic xD. I hope to meet you too! I just spent the entire night leveling up my char. to 15, so I can explore other cities through airship. Right before class in the morning....xD.


Cliodhna Eoghan: I'm not cute! Trust me! :blush::blush::blush: I'm having fun RPing with the people in my starting city. A new friend told me that I need to level up 15 to unlock airship, so I level grinded the whole night. Big mistake xD. I accidentally fell asleep while still fighting a monster and now the monster killed me when I could have just press the button couple more times to kill it xD.


Faye: Thank you for telling me! I received my first moogle mail yesterday. It was an awesome feeling!


theincubuslord: Nice to meet you too!


Shiina: What's Tales?....Nah, I'm kidding. I'm...a hardcore fan of Tales. Heck, if there's Tales MMORPG, I'll drop this in a heartbeat and go join that one. Nah, kidding again, everyone is so nice, so it make me feel like I want to stay! We should meet and discuss about Tales all night lol!


Bopdoot: Thank you for the welcome!


Atoline: Thank you! I'm just happy that people are willing to show me around. I think I got the hang of it now since someone helped me go through the game last night. I just need to unlock the airship! I hope we can meet each other in RP!

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I hear ya about the shy thing... I, too, would prefer to be approached because I'm kinda insecure over the idea that I'm just an uninterested person and that they only accept the approach just to be nice.... I mean I'm 100% sure that no one in the game is like that! I'm sure they'll genuinely accept the approach and even welcome it too! It's just that's one of the kind of anxieties that I gotta deal and fight with ><;


Hehe... But you seem particularly liked here considering how many people responded to you so I'm sure that you'll be just fine >X3


Post screenshots? Uhh, in game, there's the printscreen button to take a snapshot. The source of the screenshots you take, from there, should be somewhere in your game folder (I don't remember the directory but when you go to the game folder for FFXIV, there should be a folder that says Screenshots.... FYI, you can go adjust certain settings so that you can pick another location on where the screenshots will be saved and stored for your convenience).


Um I think I screw reply to post up xD. I'm so not familiar with this. I know how you feel too. I always hoping someone would approach me but at the same time I kept thinking maybe that person just approach me just to be nice. I get so many negative thoughts despite my exterior. I learn how to hide my anxieties well and that gives me a poker face. (which helps me a lot in my first time playing Poker xD. They thought they could win off a newbie but with my poker face, they have no clue what my hand is. So I end up winning 100 bucks!) I have very few RL friends but they're the best friends who would have my back. I believe it's better to have few true friends than having multiple casual friends. Sadly while I know I can count on my friends to help me in need, they don't share the same interests as me. I love RP. I love RPGS. So playing FFXIV on this server that combined two of my favorites? I'm just beyond ecstatic. I can finally feel like I'm starting my life. Hence the title of this thread lol.


As for the screenshots, I'm trying to figure out how to zoom into the face and use that as my avatar. I'm also trying to figure out how to post picture here on the forum.


Um okay, I have no idea how to quote multiple people xD! I'm trying to click "Quote this" but it's not working for me. I'm just gonna copy and past from another web page.


Never mind, copying and paste doesn't work for me either xD! I'm so forum illiterate. I'll just do this the good old fashioned way.



The idea is just to click on "Quote this post" once for each, then trust that you did it right and just click "Post Reply" at the bottom... It's a little unnerving, I don't blame you X3


Hehe..... Yo, that's good to hear man. Well I'm sure you'll develop some connections here ingame...Some that you may even consider as close as well. I do agree on the whole better to have few close friends than having so many casual one... Albeit, not so bad but the key, here, is just having those you're close to among the many friends... Which I'm sure that you'll make X3 


Kudos for RP and RPGs FTW~


Eh... Your best bet would be to try to zoom into your character as close as you can... But I don't believe you can get it to your face... Not to my knowledge at least.

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