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Wiki won't accept my name

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Yeah, the wiki login is based on the forum login.


This is actually a bug (well, a design difference :) ) between MyBB and MediaWiki on the topic of underscores. The long and short of it is that you just need to remove the underscore from your name and everything will work fine!


EDIT: To change your username on the forum, go to your User CP (click on your name in the upper right, then click User CP), then click on Change Username in the Edit Profile group. Or just click on this link.

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A bit more technical detail on this, for those interested:


In MediaWiki, every username is associated with a page in the User namespace. Also, underscores in page names are synonymous with spaces. Because of this, MediaWiki internally converts all spaces into underscores when authorizing a user. MyBB doesn't do this, so the MyBB authentication bridge can't reliably determine if a name has a space or an underscore where MediaWiki claims the username has an underscore. The net result is that forum names with underscores can't log in, because the bridge can't find the correct MyBB user account.


When you remove the underscore from your username on the forum, the problem goes away, because the "guess" the authentication bridge makes is correct.


There is a way to fix this -- it's just kind of a pain, so I haven't modified the plugin yet. :)

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