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Storm Corporal LF Team/Company/Friends.

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Well, seeing as I finally got around to doing as much character designing as I can for my character, it's about time I actually sat down and.. got myself to RP. Been Role-playing for years, but getting myself established on a new MMO has always been my bane, just so.. shy, or nervous, I guess!


Storm Corporal Technic Foxtale, at least that's what he prefers to go by, good luck getting his real name out of him, is a dedicated member of the Maelstrom Grand Company. While I did want to make him a full-time member, it doesn't seem like there are very many people who play such, usually ignoring the GC or not making it a big focus of the character. There was actually a very interesting topic about it, but I didn't want to necropost in it.


Either way, enough rambling, I suppose I am looking for the possibility of having him encounter others who are part of the Maelstrom for assignments or working together. As well as just making friends.


Though if not part of the GC, welcome to approach him for assistance with something, Tech is a friendly Miqo'te who is eager to meet others and help any way he can. [wish I could say the same about myself again, nervous-type. XP]


I'm not super great at setting up scenarios/situations, but am up for discussion either here or directly in game through /tells for setting something up! Welcome to leave a post here, send me a PM, or just a /Tell.


Anywaaay.. uh, hope to bump into y'all in game, sometime, and such. : D


[Yes.. uh, this seems a lot like a really goofy 'introduction' post, but honest it's a poorly done making connections post, honest!]

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