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Nara'to Mewrilah


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I. Basic Info 

  • Characters: Nara'to Mewrilah (Name is no way taken from Naruto.  It's a combination of my favorite name Naralis with the 'to of the Miko'to.  Mewrilah was icing on the cake whenever I was hitting randomize trying to find a last name.  Please don't judge me harshly.)
  • Linkshells:  None (Just started)
  • Free Company: None (Just started)

II. RP Style 

  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy): Medium
  • Views on RP combat and injuries: I don't mind it and I tend to get a little goofy with my characters to avoid anything too overboard in terms of dragging out a fight.  I like for others to enjoy the RP combat instead of just me.
  • Views on IC romance: As long as both characters wish to have a romantic relationship and the OOC parties agree to it then I don't see an issue. In fact I enjoy romance RP. So long as we both have fun then everything is golden. Romance RP is also a great way to make a new friend or blacklist a new perv/stalker. Hopefully a new friend can be made though.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc): I enjoy being surprised.  I'm not the kind of person who always wants to discuss a session before it happens.  I truly enjoy the randomness of RP.  If someone claims to be Nara's third cousin twice removed, hey, no problem here.  Just so long as it's not over the top it is perfectly fine by me!
  • Views on lore: I usually research lore on the races I play and I am darn good at it.  However, not everything is always written in detail and being creative can sometimes be very rewarding.  There could be info we don't know that isn't official.  So long as you don't reach godmodding levels I am okay with pretty much anything as long as it remains in the universe of Final Fantasy.  I stick to lore but I don't judge others, in fact I will play along so long as we both are having a good time.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc): I usually use /say and emotes in any MMO I play on.  I've never used /party.  I honestly wouldn't know of any other channels in this game but I am open to learning.

III. Other Info

  • Country: USA
  • Timezone: Central USA
  • Contact info: PM here or whisper me in game.

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