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Hello all you beautiful RPers!


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Hi! I'm new to the game, still enjoying my free month (thank you, Steam!) and exploring the world. I joined a fun, casual FC that's extremely helpful and welcoming, and I'm just generally getting to know the game. I've always been a long time fan of the FF series, and this installment is not letting me down at all.


I look forward to RPing with as many of you as I can. I must say, the short time I've been playing I've found the community extremely friendly and sympathetic to new players, unlike some other MMOs I could name. I'm slowly building a personality and back story for my character, Milu Lanakvaravat, a Miqo'te Seeker archer/rogue. I'm going for a sort of female Flynn Rider with a streak of Robin Hood style do-gooder. Chaotic good, if you need a reference.


Anyway, hi! Hope to see you all in-game!

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