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Speakeasy: Under New Management!

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Speakeasy Tavern is under new management![/align]

[align=center]It has been a wild ride so far for the patrons of the speakeasy![/align]

[align=center]None of us here anticipated the speakeasy to grow as quickly as it has, and we appreciate everyone’s patronage and contribution, for better or worse.[/align]


Unfortunately, Elmo, the Taverns founder, has had to step down from the official title of leader and has passed the mantle to Haru and myself. this decision was made to prevent the closing of the tavern altogether as we understand there are many of you who enjoy the Tavern as an alternative roleplay hub, and would be sad to see it go. Elmo has decided to leave his FC house in the Lavender Beds open to rp, and will still be considered the Taverns founder ICly and OOcly. This still means that what elmo says, Goes. This is not a waiver to disregard him ICly in his own establishment. As this is the case, we will strive to achieve his original vision of the Tavern.


That being said, I feel that it is important to make a few points about the speakeaasy tavern clear for any and all who are currently roleplaying and would like to join in the future:

*Haru is my co-leader for the Speakeasy. I would ask that you treat him with respect and honor his word when I am not around. We are on the same page and in near constant contact. Please honor any and all decisions he makes in my absence. (the Same goes for Arky Mosuke. He can be a hardass. But I ask that you respect him and his decisions as well.)

*The Speakeasy is an all-inclusive place to chill, hang out, and lurk about to meet other people who may share your interests and likes.

*We do not discriminate against anyone for their sexual preferences, and ask that all patrons treat each other with the common courtesy that should be given to others in a close proximity.

*This being said, The Speakeasy is NOT A place for the curious to live out their sexualized fantasies and fetishes, and we would prefer that any overly sexual conversation and content be left AT THE DOOR when you choose to join our community. (There are other places to explore your kinks, like Flexible Survival.)

*We understand that ERP happens, and it is sometimes unavoidable. We ask that you do not engage in these activities at the bar publicly. There is a room in the back if things become absolutely too hot and heavy for you and your current rp partner to handle. We request that if this does happen, please keep it in tell and or party chat. Again I would like to stress that we would prefer you do your absolute best to keep it out of house altogether.

*This is an open rp hub, there are a few regular members who hold the place of bartender, but in the occasion that none are online to mix you an amazing drink, feel free to hop behind the bar and mix one up yourself for you and yours, or use the NPC, Bob as a plot tool.


These are our guidelines and they are here for the betterment of the community, you can choose to abide by them or not. If you cannot abide by these, then have a wonderful day, and good luck finding your new haunt, as it is not with us.


If you have any questions feel free to address myself or Haru, if you can catch either of us online. Otherwise leave your concerns with me here either on this thread, or in PM, and I will do my best to address them.

In the rare case that you cannot find myself or Haru and your need is immediate, you may also contact Arky Mosuke with your concerns.

(As a footnote: Please do NOT contact Elmo with any concerns regarding the issue of management swap. He has enough to worry about as it is.)


Original Speakeasy thread can be found here.

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I'm so sorry to hear about Elmo stepping down. I only met him briefly during the Date Auction event but I enjoyed every second of it, and especially the fact that he tried to include me in a brief spot of RP while Enla's 'date' ran off to get the funds to actually buy her. It really made me feel welcome, and I still owe him the money I promised to donate towards the larger house fund now that I think about it. (Is there someone I can give that too? It's not much but still.) I hope he's doing well and I wish him all the best. ):


I'll probably be stopping by later with either Enla or Theula'sae though, and possibly even Cylin, because I really did love the atmosphere during that event and am glad to hear that it'll still be ongoing.

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