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Looking for friends/connections!

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Hello everyone, 


New to RP on FF and have been lurking here awhile. Figured I would make a post finally!


My character Arjn Greave is a lighthearted rogue looking to make some friends and connections. Rogue-types who would like to partake in skulduggery, spying, smuggling, thievery, and confidence games would be grand. 



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Hey there!


I am a presence on the server Balmung and my character is Reina Dancer. She is well versed in skulduggery, spying, smuggling, thieving and confidence games and will eagerly partake. She's into causing trouble for fun, a good drink, and a chance to dupe someone.


I'm easiest to catch online in the evenings. I'm EST timezone so go ahead and send me a whisper anytime to see me on. I'll check back here periodically too. ^_^


Reina has a wiki, too. You can go check it out if you want.

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Hey there, I hope you find many connections and friendships from this thread. I know how much of a pain it can be relying on walk-up RP, as the main area for that is the Quicksand and.. Even then, it can be pretty uh.. "Clique".


E'shtola herself isn't big on "criminal" activity and the likes, but it's not to say a small-time business woman doesn't have some major connections herself. If you're looking for a bridge to other connections as well as what your title states, shoot me a tell in game!


I'm on all hours of the day, from generally uh.. Hm.. 1:30pm EST, to around 4-7am EST. (I'm PST, myself.) So don't be afraid to try and poke me whenever! :)

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Throwing my Meiko up for grabs, too!


She's a former member of the Rogue's Guild who turned to greener (or gold-er, maybe?) pastures when she realized her particular skill set could be more profitable to other, often not so code-abiding employers. She's been taking a lot of freelance jobs across the city states for clients of varying levels of morality, mostly to the tune of spying, investigating, sabotaging, and thieving acquisitions. Whatever brings in the most coin.


So! If you ever want them to stumble across one another, set up some kind of background story connection, etc., hit me up in game or on the forums! Sounds like it could be fun to see them interact! c:

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