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Terve for everyone!


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Terve! I am finnish roleplayer who have become in final fantasy xiv, roleplayer!I have roleplayed in finnish Habbo hotel, and some forum roleplay.

I have played some MMORPG's for example, Perfect World international.

I am final fantasy fan. And i adore white mages, i've been healer in those MMO's what i have played.


I wish to play different kinds of RP. 

My main character is lalafell named of Maruru Maru (I named her accindentally with plainsfolk name).My main character is in Gilgamesh, and i have miqo'te character Fiela Jaaba or Burwani, and one lalafell character in Balmung, Lilime Lime!

Some platonic relationships with them would be nice!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Oohh nice to meet other finnish roleplayers! If you ever want to RP, my main character (Fealeraux Cyvaelmond) is on Balmung and I'm almost always online during our time haha. Like Inarah, I recommend checking out the European Directory. It has helped me out quite a lot.


Can't wait to see you in-game! :D

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