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Summer Menu!

We are truly awful at remembering to come by this community site to keep this "group page" updated, but I'm here to say that yes, we're still cookin'!   Come by on Sundays to see what we can serve up for you.     Also, we are looking for a few new employees to help us keep things running smoothly.  We hired a namazu, but he drinks his wages in tea...   Come find us on tumblr at https://dewdrop-inn-xiv.tumblr.com/ for more information!

Iron Bride

Iron Bride

Commonly Asked Questions!

Weren’t you guys DD-RP not that long ago? We were, but there’s another group of fine roleplayers hanging out under that tag, and after discussion, we decided we would switch to something a little more… punny, to keep ourselves distinct.  After all, if you ask, do we RP?  Yes, we DewRP!   Is your inn a front for some illegal or shady business? No, what you see is what you get here - we’re just an inn and tavern. There’s no deep dark secret plot behind the curtain (though there

Iron Bride

Iron Bride

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