Entry 35 - Falling
The life on the island proved to be nothing short of harrowing; the group had sought refuge into a sea cave that got flod with high tide water far too soon, and saw themselves forced to find a more secure shelter in the jungle. A moment respite was given when they found an abandoned, worn-down shack that hosted their plight for several days. The injuries were severe and infections were frequent, but thankfully the group had found some medical supplies and food in other forsaken cabins in the tropical forest.
The fortunate presence of Teirra provided with steady healing recovery, Tobias relied on his unfaillable talent for fishing and kept the group as much fed as it was reasonably possible. Kebbe helped gathering herbs and berries, along with the materials for Norien's stretcher, Dawn contributed by gathering wood, hunting and trapping jungle critters, and Kami sought to carve a bow out of whatever resources were available.
After what was judged to be 'enough recovery', theg group ventured into the forest to make contact with the local pirates. They found a perilous-looking bridge that gave all the impressions to be unstable, but they bravely begun to cross it, under the 'encouragement' of a large lizard creature that was approaching them to mark its territory. On the other side of the bridge, a diseased pirate appeared, holding a bomb and stating that the group had to pay a 'fee' to the Shellbacks clan in order to pass. The 'fee' in question was going to be Naelia, Dwassyith's sister, and there was no attempt of negotiating anything different that could have made the madman change his mind on what he wanted. In a desperate attempt to spare his sister a destiny of certain rape, violence and likely death, Dwas grabbed her and jumped into the chasm underneath the bridge. Under everybody's shocked eyes, they disappeared.
The rest of the group managed to run back to the previous half of the abyss in time, and the flabbergasted Shellback pirate disappeared back into his own territory.
After days of apprehension and scouting, the group found the entrance of an underground cave that had the same river the siblings fell in, meeting the ocean side. By exploring that cave they encountered Old Grim, a bizarre and eccentric Roegadyn who talked to a bioluminescent fungus attached to a rock as his best friend and advisor. The odd character however happened to have been the one who found and rescued Dwassyith and Naelia from the cold waters of the underground cave that hosted their fall.
Reunited with their leader in collective relief, the group settled in the cave to recover their energies and rest. Suddenly, their Roegadyn cave-dwelling host of unsound mind seemed to be their only source of information regarding the island, even if perhaps not the most veritable...
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