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Ebonguard Scenario: The Jackals on the Sapphire Avenue Exchange




The Jackals on the Sapphire Avenue Exchange


As of April 22, the Ebonguard Scenario has resumed! After a long period of humming, hawing, and (of course) planning, Crow’s placed a task before the network. Of course, he doesn’t expect work for free…

The next Scenario event is tentatively scheduled for May 27 (subject to change).

(Key Image Reads: “The elusive leader of the Ebonguard has ound a job worthy of the network’s attention: a job that would land those who would take it upon themselves not only in his good graces, but potentially position themselves as a major player in the network at large…

Setting his sights upon a racketeering ring known as the Jackal’s Spite, Crow’s intentions going in was simply to crush their capabilities and toy with what remained in order to open avenues for the Ebonguard to expand. But although Crow himself refuses to pay for blood, others quickly hatched other plans…”)

Pictured in the Screencap (Left to Right): Lazarus Delacroix, Eve (Edda Vincents), Crow (Leonnaux Altoix).

Located at The Cloak & Dagger, upstairs lounge.


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