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Half Price Pints!



This event began 02/26/18 and repeats every 2 weeks on Sunday forever

IC Tidbits: The Hidden Pearl is offering half price drinks to anyone who walks through their doors from 8pm Eastern and onward! Happy hour, woo!

If your character is feeling musical or bard-ly, feel free to use the tavern as an audience for your melodies~♪

OOC Bonus: Any player who brings a friend from another FC or a person with no FC to this event will be entered into a raffle to win gil, minions, or whatever is currently popular on the Market Board! You can bring as many friends as you want. The more you bring, the more entries you can obtain, and each of your friends will get one too! 


(However, please do not just show up to enter the raffle, then leave the social event directly after. Be considerate. <3)

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