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About This Club

<DD-RP> is a friendly free company in Adamantoise for doing content and some nice RP. Join us to make our FC even better!





Group Type

Free Company

RP Intensity


  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hello! Casual/mid-core raid party is looking for members to do relevant and savage content! Currently, we are in post adds prog E7s. We need healers and two DPS. Raid time: Tuesdays/Thursdays 6:pm to 9:pm Central Time. Please let me know if want to join our friendly group. Aleene Celestalis from Adamantoise (Aether).
  3. DD-RP is now looking for players for a Casual-Mid Static, our objective is to have fun together and be able to clear relevant savage/extreme content. If you want to get better with a group of friends please join us. Let's got those sweet drops. Contact Raid-Leader: Aleene Celestalis (Adamantoise)
  4. until
    During this weekend we in DD-Rp will have an active advertising of recruitment in the <Adamantoise> server. Come and talk with us.
  5. We have a Discord!, come and say hello ^^
  6. Please contact us in-game for recruitment. Drops your tells to: Recruiters: Yukiko Himeji -FC Leader- Felicia Katz Lyselia Neko Aleene Celestalis Or Visit us in Plot 30, 10 Ward, The Goblet [Adamantoise]
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