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About This Club

Stormguard is an expansive secret society with history dating back 900+ years tasked with safeguarding certain relics and secrets. The group originated back in FFXIV version 1.0 in 2010 and aims for 'old-school' RPers in that it will prefer open world RP over housing RP, prefers forum and in game interactions over Tumblr/Discord/etc, prefers complex and long term stories over recurring events, prefers emphasis on individual character stories/interactions over singular plots, and prefers lore compliant concepts with wiggle room to allow individual creativity. Visit the site for further details.





Group Type


RP Intensity


Secret society


  1. What's new in this club
  2. Stormguard will be temporarily opening recruitment on a selective basis. Feel free to submit an application on the site and/or contact us for further information if you're at all interested. By "selective basis," we basically mean we'll be a bit cautious with who we let in. It's preferred that you know someone in the group or they know of you, but this isn't an absolute requirement.
  3. While we are still not officially 'off the ground' yet, I decided to at least reveal the forums for potential interested parties to glance over. Please feel free to look at the "About Us" tab, the first couple pieces of lore, register, and so on! Please keep in mind that some glitches/bugs may still exist (particularly in the user profiles...). (Re)Launch date is currently set at an ETA of 6/22. Please feel free to reach out with any questions in the meantime! URL to the site is below. https://stormguard-rp.com/
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