This event is part of an open on-going story arc Better off Dead. You may review the synopsis for an understanding of the story and background of this event but please do not presume to know any information that is not labelled as "Common Knowledge" or that your character has personally experienced. For details on how the GM (Diadae) runs her events please check out her adventure guide here.
The Rat
Job Description: Unless something goes terribly wrong with the first event the second event will involve investigating the other lead and interrogating the individual that has further details.
Logistics: TBD. Rendezvous point will be dictated by the end of the 1st event and communicated ICly. People will be free to pick up and join for the second event if they so choose. The second event will start 45-minutes after the end of the first one (so somewhere between 6-7pm EST). This event will probably last 3-4 hours. This event will probably have GM-led combat.