Event created by Lady Dusk
Event created by Lady Dusk
This event begins 08/21/21 and repeats every month forever
Rumors have been moving within the shadows of a mysterious black market that has opened itself to those who work out of the spotlight and deal within the dark. A market which never stays in one location yet always keeps its place firmly rooted within myth of its luxury and splendor. Though it is not impossible to find this place of course. For the right price, with the right information or connections, even YOU can find your way to the black market.
Cast your lot in for a variety of rare and illegal goods and services whether on sale itself or via request. Want to sell? Speak to a staff member and if you pass the checks, you can have your own goods on display yourself!
In the past, there was a very successful community event on Balmung called The Watcher’s Eye Black Markets, created by Negui Malaguld. In honor and with permission, it is our hope to start them again in the same fashion under the name Crimson Circle. A sub-syndicate under the Syndicate of Ul’dah.
This monthly black market (3rd Friday of every month) encourages FC’s and individuals to bring their company or character’s wares to sell to others. It is our hope that these interactions will foster more community-based RP and interactions.
Staff (Guards, Helpers/Guides, assistance organizers)
Looking for entertainment! (sometimes it’s nice to have a break and witness some great performances! As well as an opportunity for people to take note of entertainers they may wish to hire for their own events! )
Other FCs wishing to host each month! (We will help you of course!)
If you are looking for work, Lady Dusk will be accepting requests for those willing to work for the black market in order to acquire goods/ help with bounties/quests.
Are you a leader or someone that runs a black market and wishing to help sell your wares? OR anyone wishing to sell anything!
Lady Dusk, Rena Jesal. Aldric Sayrillont would wish to speak to you. We wish to actually set up RP meetings ICLY/ OOCLY organizing this to see it successful.
TO SIGN UP: For anyone interested in being a vendor, our sign-up form can be found HERE.
The Crimson Market has a discord to help us organize our black markets easier and keep the community up to date with our latest events. If you're interested in joining as a vendor or keeping up with our events?
Feel free to join HERE
In-game send a whisper to:
Kathema Duska
Rena Jesal
Aldric Sayrillont
Join the discord, or send a message via HERE with your contact information and someone will get back to you!
Edited by Lady Dusk