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Gerard Larsonient / Gaspard Nellmont

Gerard Larsonient / Gaspard Nellmont
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。Gerard Larsonient / Elezen (Wildwood) / ??? Years Old。

"How dull it is to continue living and not learn a single thing..."


An Ishgardian "doctor" of sorts and a professor of Black Magic. Not much is known about him, but what is known is that this man has a relentless taste for knowledge and a loyalty to his goals are quite the spectacle to behold. 

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。Gaspard Nellmont / Elezen (Wildwood) / 37(?) Years Old。

"I tried to adventure once... Scary are the kind of monsters that lurk even lurk amongst us everyday."


Once upon a time a humble Ishgardian tinkerman. Credited to have invented one of the first few clock work minions in Coerthas long ago, however other tinker/toy makers and historians beg to differ.

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Two Elezens in one. Their story seems a bit convultued, but they both have/had their reasoning for what they hath done thus far.


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