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Kahbuki Qalli

Kahbuki Qalli
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。Kahbuki Qalli / Au Ra (Xaela) / 25 Years Old。

"Beware, Little Sun. Tis the new age of Qalli that will soon eclipse the throne."


The son of the current Qalli Khan. Born into the world to follow in his great great grandfathers footsteps re-take the Naadam under the banner of the Qalli tribe. However, recently our little warlord in training hath found a love in Doman (Kabuki) theater. Thus after careful convincing and with the permission from his father, Kahbuki was able to leave the Steppe in order to venture out and experience the rest of the Eorzean world... as long as he returned in time for the Naadam, that is. 


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