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I believe the problem you're having is that the page was created in the wrong part of the wiki. Trying clicking on the Player Characters link, then typing your character's name in the search box. The option should appear to create a new page.


Also, welcome!


EDIT: Actually I think that might not be the case. Going to take a look at your wiki format to see what else it might be.

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I believe the problem you're having is that the page was created in the wrong part of the wiki. Trying clicking on the Player Characters link, then typing your character's name in the search box. The option should appear to create a new page.


Also, welcome!


EDIT: Actually I think that might not be the case. Going to take a look at your wiki format to see what else it might be.


I looked under preferences but couldn't find anything. I see an option to move the page, but I'm hesitant to move it until I know where it needs to be moved to.

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