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A very late hello!


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A greeting has been in order for a while now, seeing as how I transferred to Balmung two or three weeks ago...so hello, forum o/ I switched over from Mateus, a server that feels really quiet compared to all the hustle and bustle I've seen on Balmung so far, haha. As a huge roleplayer it's nice to see so many on Bal; I can be doing practically anything in any area and still stumble across some roleplayers which is really great.


Anyway! My main character is Roroko Roko and you'll see me on her a lot, please do feel free to ask for rp if you see me around in-game! She's a fussy wholesale merchant currently situated in Ul'dah; one day when I'm not being lazy I'll finish up her wiki entry and put it up for everyone to see :P

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