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WANTED: Military Staff (2 positions)

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We are all staffed up at the Red Wings, the team has really come together well and once the non-sense of the holiday and Ball are over we will be back to missions and arcs and prepping for 3.0. But two spots are noticeably open. Our company clerk/researcher, and our Chief Medical Officer.


These positions require membership or a willingness to join the Immortal Flames as they are both military positions in the FC. (Yes we have non-military spots/positions, but these are not unfortunately.)


If you are interested post here or contact me for details.




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GDI, I got all excited at first until I realized that it's positions you actually need filled inside your FC. Same thing bit me in the ass about Zero Division.


G'luck with the recruiting, though, and apologies for making you feel all excited about getting a response only to waste your time.

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GDI, I got all excited at first until I realized that it's positions you actually need filled inside your FC. Same thing bit me in the ass about Zero Division.


G'luck with the recruiting, though, and apologies for making you feel all excited about getting a response only to waste your time.


Its all good man. No worries. ▲_▲

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*Holds up william* He may have one eye, but he reads a Loooottt of books. Plus, he has an amazingly chaotic personality for being a clerk.


No worries Will. Erik's right eye is false. Both eyes not required 8-)


As for Hat and the others who have pmed me or will pm me... I will be at work but will try to meet up with you all herr or ingame as I can. You too Will. Ill go over everyone interested in said spots and work out a place for those who want it. (Ie we can only have 1 chief doc, but no limits on doc and nurses). We will get it sorted.

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*Holds up william* He may have one eye, but he reads a Loooottt of books. Plus, he has an amazingly chaotic personality for being a clerk.


No worries Will. Erik's right eye is false. Both eyes not required 8-)


As for Hat and the others who have pmed me or will pm me... I will be at work but will try to meet up with you all herr or ingame as I can. You too Will. Ill go over everyone interested in said spots and work out a place for those who want it. (Ie we can only have 1 chief doc, but no limits on doc and nurses). We will get it sorted.

If I'm not IG you know where to grab me!

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