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Merchant In Despair

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Hello all.


My name is Zachary Volfire. A trader, guildmaster ,and adventurer of behemoth server. I was wondering if anyone is interested in interacting with me or trading in my wares?


((Still working on my char page and shop page. Seriously though I'm still learning my way around the site so any help is immensely appreciated. I'm a guild master of a small role playing guild on behemoth. i was working on a web comic script and found this site while looking up lore of FFXIV so I'm extremely excited to join. http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/8549678/ I'm well versatile in a lot of things ,but against a master I'm not that great at all... hahaha... hope to be friends with you all.))

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Welcome aboard! I'm not sure how many of the folks here frequent your server, but don't let that stop you! This is a nice place to talk shop, generally discuss the game and there's also a section reserved for play-by-post roleplaying if you were looking to interact with folks in-character but out of game as well.

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Yeah i joined behemoth to play with my friends ((we have a college group actually)) but I might create a character on balmong or just play by post like he suggested. Nice meeting you both.

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