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A few characters needing love and life!

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I have a few characters, and I'll get into them. I am after any sort of roleplay connection. :3 These characters are mostly alts and really need some love.


Nonota Tonota Lalafell Male - Plainsfolk, age 6-7?.

Nonota Tonota is a loud, impolite young little boy who due to circumstanced out of his understanding has found himself questioning how to find Nald so he can find his mother. A sickness took her and left him with his trust wooden axe companion - Mister Smashy. Currently he resides in the alleyways of Ul'dah, living in small makeshift box homes. 

In need of..

  • Friends - 
    Nonota needs friends to help him through this weird strange life. His understanding of the world and how it works is limited.
  • Family -
    Perhaps he needs a new family? would his innocent, idiocy make your role play any better?
  • A Trainer -
    Nonota wants to be an airship when he grows up! do you know how you can help him?

Any of these things would be appreciated, he is originally from Limsa - Moraby docks 


Miyako Himura - Hyur Midlander (Doman) - Middle aged (40+).

Miyako is a middle aged, by appearance working class woman of medium height. Her memory seems to be damaged and she claims to of been working in Limsa for as long as she can remember as a ship-hand. She is responsible for organizing freights and other shipments. It is estimated she has been in Eorzea a year or longer but she could not give a definite number. She is motherly and doesn't appear to have any immediate family that she can recall. She seems to have a talent for needlework and 



I am after backstory links for her over new role-play links. an employer? a co-worker? anyone who may of known her when she showed up confused. 


Mahana Mana Lalafell Female - Dunesfolk (Ul'dah)

Mahana mana is a stuck up, poncy woman with little care for adventurers affairs. She as grown up in Ul'dah her whole life and made her fortune with a small trading business that frequents trade throughout the Thanalan and Gridanian areas. While she is often seen with a rude act up, she often raves out the attention of others for some enjoyment or another.

Mahana believes Gil makes the world turn - and can grease the pockets of many she speaks to. 



I am seeking...

Friends - however unlikely, Mahana mana is rude but benefits (as would another) from having other wealthy Lalafellian or Ul'dahn friends.

Rivals - In business. It is easy to hate this little tyrant.

Employees - Mercenaries are perfect for this, or greedy blades wanting to make some extra coin on the side.




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*Holds up william* He is yours.

That'd be great, would he work into knowing Miyako from anything or are you more interested in the other two characters? 


Tharsis and Nonota would get along perfectly I think.They have a 3 year age difference which isn't too bad and also a few mutual friends i believe.Just look me up.

:D that'd be cute, Nonota is a little bit of a brat, so I hope the elder one can be more responsible.

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That'd be great, would he work into knowing Miyako from anything or are you more interested in the other two characters



 I'm fine knowing the lot of them, but with Will it's not hard for him to find a way to know your characters :P it's your character not killing him when he starts being a cute Pervy shit that's the problem lol xD

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I actually might be able to use Miyako for a story I'm looking to do with my FC if that'd be cool, Gin. Been too long since we RP'd anyway, right? 8-)

Yus! I'd love that actually. You know how to hit me up.


Sure thing. I wasn't ingame last night but I'll either shoot you a PM or message you in chat later tonight. Probably. :D

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I actually might be able to use Miyako for a story I'm looking to do with my FC if that'd be cool, Gin. Been too long since we RP'd anyway, right? 8-)

Yus! I'd love that actually. You know how to hit me up.


Sure thing. I wasn't ingame last night but I'll either shoot you a PM or message you in chat later tonight. Probably. :D

throw me your skype if I dont somehow have it. I'm terrible at re-naming people to keep up!

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I actually might be able to use Miyako for a story I'm looking to do with my FC if that'd be cool, Gin. Been too long since we RP'd anyway, right? 8-)

Yus! I'd love that actually. You know how to hit me up.


Sure thing. I wasn't ingame last night but I'll either shoot you a PM or message you in chat later tonight. Probably. :D

throw me your skype if I dont somehow have it. I'm terrible at re-naming people to keep up!

Well I GUESS I can. ;)


I think we used to be skype buds some time ago in another land.

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Thinking about it, I think I'd like Kiera to meet up with young Nonota. With her son out in Gridania, I think she's been missing flexing her mom muscles (besides it'd be good practice for to me to develop more that side of her).

Excellent! Just throw me a tell whenever i'm online. I'm pretty easy to contact.


^^ flick me a skype if you'd like.

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