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Wiki Updating/Purging

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I'm going to likely be spamming the Lounge with stuff between now and the next update >.>


As most know, the wiki is in dire need of updating. Many pages haven't been updated since 2010. People are pretty good at constantly updating their character pages, but lore related pages often get overlooked and not even added. I'm trying to update some of it myself but it's absolutely overwhelming to do so by myself. So if anyone gets a chance to, please edit existing pages with updated/new info. There are a number of pages that can be added. I just added one for the Immortal Flames for instance. The other two companies need added as well, just to name one example.


In addition, I'm going to be purging a ton of unused files from the wiki soon. Any files classified as "unused" will be deleted. Please see this wiki section and glimpse over the files to make sure none are yours. These images are attached to no pages. If you wish to prevent deletion, either attach the image to a page or make sure it's backed up.

http://www.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/wiki/i ... nusedFiles

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On a similar note, I've temporarily disabled the fusion of forum and wiki usernames. If you didn't have a separate account on the wiki prior to the last site update, you will be unable to login/register. Many of you had a separate wiki account that was literally the same as your forum account, so this will not affect you. But I had to disable this feature for now due to analyzing server resource allocation to avoid another possible shutdown by the host.


In the meantime, for those who don't have a separate wiki account, feel free to use the Archives section of these forums for your character profiles. When the wiki is back to its original state, you can easily copy/paste content over there from the Archives.


Sorry for the inconvenience.

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