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Together, We Ride!

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[align=center]Art by Shadottie[/align]


Hey there!  If you got the reference, awesome!!  It'll definitely be worth your time to take a look at this group of characters, a collection of alts made by Wildcard and me.  Are you a fan of the Fire Emblem or Tales Of series? Great! So are we! We were heavily influenced by those series to make this band of soon-to-be adventurers. Some of these characters know one another, others have yet to meet, but the plan is to make a band of unlikely characters to go out and do good in the world. We have a couple that look for contracts to fend off monsters in smaller settlements; a wandering conjurer in search of greater purpose; a devout dragoon, and so much more!



Of course, it's a handful to juggle that many alts, let alone level them to be in decent gear for RP.  We are slowly working on that regardless, but we'd really love to meet like-minded rpers that are looking for adventure out in the world, story and character progression, and everything in between!  We're also looking for Free Companies with these qualities as well!



[align=center]Lets Learn about the Characters [/align]


Without Spoilers of course!

(From Right to Left)[/align]


  • Sacha Blackwood- A hot-headed hotshot with a penchant for helping others for coin! .... Or is that beginning to change? (Played by Wildcard)
  • Emy Arlenhart- A quiet, stammering archer that is rarely seen away from Sacha's side. Watch yourself if you get her worked up! (Played by Shadottie)
  • Nenia Reynolt- A gentle conjurer with immense skill and generosity.  Just what could she be running from? (Played by Shadottie)
  • Alexandra Roseclere- A stoic Sultan-sworn with a heart for justice and protecting others. Why would she have eyes on that Sacha Blackwood...? (Played by Wildcard)
  • Sesenato Lulunato- An overly cautious scholar in Thaumaturgy.  He'll be sure to tell you what you're doing wrong than actually be helpful! (Played by Shadottie)
  • Peperi Peri- A firecracker of a fighter.  Someone didn't get her way as a Sultan Sworn, but that's not stopping her from climbing to the top! (Played by Shadottie)
  • Wilhelm Krimhilde- A devout man and successful Dragoon in the name of Ishgard. Such Dedication is sure to have its reward. (Played by Wildcard)
  • Miki Pierglass- [[unlock Details with the release of Heavensward!]] (Played by Wildcard)





We're really looking forward to developing these characters and making lasting stories for them in RP.  If you're looking for the same and any of these guys catch your interest, give us a shout!  We'd be happy to set up some RP and make some fun stories and adventures for characters! *U*  Of course, if you see us ingame too, feel free to say hello!

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