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Lallafell Looking for League of Likeminded...L..oleplayers

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Due to certain events in Ul'dah where certain influential individuals are becoming more infulently individual, a refugee Lalafell as had her Free Company bought, her position ousted and the assets sold.


In reality, I was unable to actually get it off the ground and 2.55's content made it a fairly large target as an Ul'dah based pro-refugee company so I dismantled it.


Because of this, our mischievous minute migrant is meddling for a new home to settle down in and contribute to. Some of you may have seen her around. Some may have witnessed the strange act of her roleplaying. This is fairly normal. Do not be alarmed.


I figured I'd post here in search of a Free Company first instead of sending out blind applications in-game. Now, I won't lie—I have two or three in mind, but they shall remain nameless because I'd really like to scour every bit that this community has to offer fairly! You guys are great, really. Anyroad, here's what I have to offer:


Kaniku Kuni

Lalafell (Plainsfolk, Doman)

Age: 20


Third-generation immigrant from Othard, born to a goldsmith and a teahouse proprietress. Her grandfather was a Lalafell merchant from the South Seas (much like most Lalafell) who sought to do trade with the eastern province and was unfortunately caught in the Garlean invasion and subjugation of Doma and forced to stay. Her grandmother was a Doman Hyur brothel worker whom her grandsire emptied his coffers to 'purchase' her freedom in a craven attempt to appear native to the unsuspecting (and more likely uncaring) Garleans by having a 'wife' and otherwise normal life. This union makes Kaniku one-quarter Doman; both birth and blood, but she's an 'outsider' in her homeland and a foreigner to her Lalafellin kinfolk.


After the failed revolt in Doma and the subsequent razing of her homeland, Kani traveled with the rest of her countrymen with Yugiri Mistwalker to Aldenard to seek asylum, but unlike the rest of the refugees, she was taken by the many hundreds of Lalafellin like herself swamping the Ruby Road and decided to throw her lot in with the cutthroat world of coin and craft in the city of opportunity to better learn of her heritage while doing the best she could for the refugee crisis she understands all too personally.


Which is where we are now: Without a home. I've never been one too hardcore into endgame content, though running things for story would be lovely. And it's not as though there aren't linkshells for that sort of thing. Mostly looking for an RP community to contribute to.


And I stress contribute. I rather enjoy being filler. Or in the background fleshing out scenes. This is a wonderful world and making it seem that much more lively is wholly fulfilling. So! There's that. I'm hoping to have the chance to further flesh out my Popoto with the rest of you.

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