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Nebula - One Woman Play REVEAL & HOW-TO

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A couple of folks were discussing the performances at last night competition and I said I would post how I did it in case people can learn or take from it.


Here is the performance filmed after the event and music added by Izayoi




I hope this helps some to try performing. I did some tips long ago on bard performing macros if you are just starting (Bard Macroing)


Initial Concept was taken from a FF7 play that Cloud and Aerith did. There is a video of it here and it is quite funny, especially the alternative choices they could have made at the end of this clip.





The play had to be 5-7min long so I decided on for characters and quick change format. I also wanted a mix of simple story and simple actions.


I messed with equipment to create the five main roles




The Actor in a minimal attire back stage look



The King



The Hero



The Princess



The Dragon




I then created the text of the play and added in emotes and timing through trial and error. To make it easier I had 10 macros and also put the costume changes on hotbars.


Here is my screenshot and you can see I had each costume change setup next to the macro that followed it. So the play sequence was..





Repeat until done

  1. Go behind the changing screen
  2. Select the costume
  3. Walk to stage
  4. Activate Macro
  5. Wait for macro to finish (a "." at the end of each macro does that :) )


The audience sees simple narrative that is easy to follow as well as a character visualisation that emotes appropriately bringing the whole thing alive. I kept it very simple as there is a lot to take in and you really want the effect rather than some in depth thing that most will not bother with.


Note, it you don't specify the channel eg "/yell" then it comes out in the channel you select, so these days I leave it out and select say, yell, party etc.. as appropriate,



/say ((this performance in in the SHOUT chennel))

/yell ((this performance in in the SHOUT chennel))

/shout ((this performance in in the SHOUT chennel))

/wait 10

/shout .

/shout The [Actor] steps on the stage in plain garb

/wait 6

/welcome motion

/shout [Actor] I wish to preent an old stage play about a king in trouble,  initialy performed by the famed Cloud and Aerith, now adapted to one person.

/wait 8

/shout [Actor] I hope you enjoy

/bow motion

/shout .




/shout The [King] is in his throne room worried . . . . . . . . . .

/wait 6

/upset motion

/shout [King] "I am the King of Gladia, and an evil shadow has fallen over my land."

/wait 8

/shout [King] "My daughter the Princess Rosa has been kidnapped by the Evil Dragon king, Valvados. What will become of her?"

/point motion

/wait 8

/shout [King] "I have sent the legendary hero Alfred to save save my daughter. I pray for hus success"

/pray motion

/shout .



/shout The [Hero] travels through the wilderness in search of the pricess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

/wait 6

/shout [Hero] "I have traveled to the peak of this dangerous mountain, to face the Evil Dragon King, who has kidnapped Princess Rosa"

/wait 8

/shout [Hero] "The Evil Dragon King has but one weakness and I must find it if I am to save the Princess"

/lookout motion

/wait 8

/shout [Hero] "At last the Dragons lair and now to confront him"

/psych motion

/shout .



/shout The [Princess] is chaned up in the cave of the Evil Dragon King . . . . . . . . . .

/wait 6

/lookout motion

/shout [Princess] "Who is there, who has come to save me?"

/wait 8

/shout [Princess] "Please help me Legendary hero! You are my only hope!"

/beckon motion

/wait 8

/soothe motion

/shout [Princess] "You must free me and we must flee before the Evil Dragon King returns, for he would surely kill us both."

/wait 8

/panic motion

/shout [Princess] "It is too late, here he comes!"

/shout .



/shout The [EDK] stompms into his cave to find the Princess and Hero together . . . . . . . . . .

/wait 6

/shout [EDK] "Gaaaaaaaaah! I know you are here hero."

/ac "defiance"

/wait 10

/shout [EDK] "I am the Evil Dragon king, Valvados! I have not yet harmed the Princess. I have been expecting you!"

/wait 3

/laugh motion

/wait 10

/ac "infuriate"

/shout [EDK] "Say goodbye to your Princess and then I will burn you both"

/shout .



/ac "Circle of Scorn"

/shout [Hero] "I do not fear you dragon do your worst, I mean to put an end to your evil ways."

/wait 7

/shout .



/shout [Princess] "Oh my hero, please accept my kiss before we die"

/shout The [princess] Rosa kisses Alfred the [Hero]

/blowkiss motion

/wait 7

/shout .



/shout The [EDK] is pushed back by the power of true love

/wait 6

/shout [EDK] "Arrggaahhhh! ! Curses....  The power of ... looooove! !"

/stagger motion

/wait 8

/shout [EDK] "I must flee"

/wait 6

/shout .




/shout The [King] is preparing for is daughter to come home . . . . . . . . . .

/wait 6

/shout [King] "He did it the Legendary hero Alfred defeated the Evil Dragon King and we are all saved"

/dance motion

/wait 8

/shout [King] "The Power of True love has triumphed and now we will all live happiley ever after. Let us all celebrate!"

/cheer motion

/wait 8

/shout [King] "THE END"

/shout .



/shout [Actor] "Thank you for watching"

/wait 5

/bow motion

/wait 6

/bow motion

/wait 6

/shout ((Original FF7 play here //put the video link here//))

/shout .fin



[22:51]Nebula S.: ((this performance in in the SHOUT chennel))

[22:51]Nebula S.: ((this performance in in the SHOUT chennel))

[22:51]Nebula S.: .

[22:51]Nebula S.: The [Actor] steps on the stage in plain garb

[22:52]Nebula S.: [Actor] I wish to preent an old stage play about a king in trouble,  initialy performed by the famed Cloud and Aerith, now adapted to one person.

[22:52]Nebula S.: [Actor] I hope you enjoy

[22:52]Nebula S.: .

[22:52]Nebula S.: The [King] is in his throne room worried . . . . . . . . . .

[22:52]Nebula S.: [King] "I am the King of Gladia, and an evil shadow has fallen over my land."

[22:52]Nebula S.: [King] "My daughter the Princess Rosa has been kidnapped by the Evil Dragon king, Valvados. What will become of her?"

[22:52]Nebula S.: [King] "I have sent the legendary hero Alfred to save save my daughter. I pray for hus success"

[22:52]Nebula S.: .

[22:53]Nebula S.: The [Hero] travels through the wilderness in search of the pricess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[22:53]Nebula S.: [Hero] "I have traveled to the peak of this dangerous mountain, to face the Evil Dragon King, who has kidnapped Princess Rosa"

[22:53]Nebula S.: [Hero] "The Evil Dragon King has but one weakness and I must find it if I am to save the Princess"

[22:53]Nebula S.: [Hero] "At last the Dragons lair and now to confront him"

[22:53]Nebula S.: .

[22:54][7] WTB BARD for T11 farming

[22:54]Nebula S.: The [Princess] is chaned up in the cave of the Evil Dragon King . . . . . . . . . .

[22:54]Nebula S.: [Princess] "Who is there, who has come to save me?"

[22:54]Nebula S.: [Princess] "Please help me Legendary hero! You are my only hope!"

[22:54]Nebula S.: [Princess] "You must free me and we must flee before the Evil Dragon King returns, for he would surely kill us both."

[22:54]Nebula S.: [Princess] "It is too late, here he comes!"

[22:54]Nebula S.: .

[22:54]Nebula S.: The [EDK] stompms into his cave to find the Princess and Hero together . . . . . . . . . .

[22:55]Nebula S.: [EDK] "Gaaaaaaaaah! I know you are here hero."

[22:55]Nebula S.: [EDK] "I am the Evil Dragon king, Valvados! I have not yet harmed the Princess. I have been expecting you!"

[22:55]Nebula S.: [EDK] "Say goodbye to your Princess and then I will burn you both"

[22:55]Nebula S.: .

[22:55]Nebula S.: [Hero] "I do not fear you dragon do your worst, I mean to put an end to your evil ways."

[22:56]Nebula S.: .

[22:56]Nebula S.: [Princess] "Oh my hero, please accept my kiss before we die"

[22:56]Nebula S.: The [princess] Rosa kisses Alfred the [Hero]

[22:56]Nebula S.: .

[22:56]Nebula S.: The [EDK] is pushed back by the power of true love

[22:56]Nebula S.: [EDK] "Arrggaahhhh! ! Curses....  The power of ... looooove! !"

[22:56]Nebula S.: [EDK] "I must flee"

[22:56]Nebula S.: .

[22:57]Nebula S.: The [King] is preparing for is daughter to come home . . . . . . . . . .

[22:57]Nebula S.: [King] "He did it the Legendary hero Alfred defeated the Evil Dragon King and we are all saved"

[22:57]Nebula S.: [King] "The Power of True love has triumphed and now we will all live happiley ever after. Let us all celebrate!"

[22:57]Nebula S.: [King] "THE END"

[22:57]Nebula S.: .

[22:57]Nebula S.: [Actor] "Thank you for watching"

[22:58]Nebula S.: ((Original FF7 play here //video ling goes here//))

[22:58]Nebula S.: .fin



Happy to help if there are any questions etc.. *hugs* and happy performing.

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For my second instalment I give you Pirate Love





Note, it you don't specify the channel eg "/yell" then it comes out in the channel you select, so these days I leave it out and select say, yell, party etc.. as appropriate,


Run order is 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 4 - 2


You need to be a Bard with Blood for Blood or change it.



/s ((This performance is in the /yelll channel ))

/yell .

/yell .

/yell .

/yell [[---- Nebula Stardancer steps on the stage ----]]

/welcome motion

/yell .

/yell .

/yell ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

/yell [[ -- the band strikes up a shanty tune -- ]]

/yell .



/yell "You've got to walk that walk

/bombdance motion

/yell "You've got to talk that talk

/welcome motion

/yell "You've got to be that girl

/pose motion

/yell "In the Limsa world

/lookout motion

/yell "C'mon cast me so fast

/throw motion

/yell .


2 (chorus)

/yell "Pirate love"

/rally motion

/yell "Is what I'm looking for"

/me motion

/yell "Pirate love"

/rally motion

/yell "Is what I'm wanting for"

/sulk motion

/yell "I never ever"

/no motion

/yell "Needed it so bad and Fast!"

/psych motion

/yell "Pirate love - please make it last"

/grovel motion



/yell "Well the blood's running cold, ain't it"

/stagger motion

/yell "All the mommies are praying"

/soothe motion

/yell "Little girls are saying, 'No'"

/deny motion

/yell "And big girls always want more"

/pose motion

/yell .



/yell "Well I'm locked in all these getups"

/panic motion

/yell "Till everybody seems too cruel"

/shocked motion

/yell "I can't tell who's who"

/slap motion

/yell "Without a bag of voodoo"

/ac "blood for blood"

/yell .


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  • 4 months later...

Wedding Singer, at Yuki & Tzuki's wedding.


I sat down and talked with them about their life together and from that wrote a song that was performed at their wedding. Below is a quick reconstruction capture on our FC stage.


We found love in a Marmot Steak


((note the RPC editor replaces /me with *Nebbs below - i don't know why))



/ac "Army's Paeon"

♪ We were down...


♪ ... sitting on the floor in the Quicksand

♪ We were down...

♪... as if no one else was around

♪ Now we are together...

♪...side by side

/yes motion

♪ Now we are together...

♪... lifting each other up


/welcome motion



/ac "Mage's Ballad"

♪ We know exactly...

/joy motion

♪ ... what will lighten our day

♪ We found love...

/thumbsup motion

♪... over a Marmot steak

♪ Now we are together...

♪...hearts beating in love

/me motion

♪ Now we are together...

/lookout motion

♪... making each day our best




/ac "Army's Paeon"

♪ Your beauty sparks...

/joy motion

♪ ... the love inside of me

♪ Your smile is the most beautiful...

/blowkiss motion

♪... I have ever seen

♪ Now we are together...

/hug motion

♪...entwined as one

♪ Now we are together...

/me motion

♪... in love ever after




/ac "Mage's Ballad"

♪ We came from far...

/lookout motion

♪ ... sitting on the floor of the Quicksand

♪ Our way was guided...

/point motion

♪... bay a Marmot steak

♪ Now we are together...

/embrace motion

♪...never shall we be apart

/me motion

♪ Now we are together...

/cheer motion

♪... we are of the same hart.




/em finishes with a flurish and a bow

/ac "Army's Paeon"

/bow motion


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  • 3 weeks later...

Latest creation was for a Pirate Costume Party




/surprised motion

"Yarr!, look at all ye happy sods"

/airquotes motion

"I be just a 'Pirate Lass' in needs of gil"

/welcome motion

"I was hoping ye could all do me some little favor"

/huh motion

"Just be dropping ya gil in ma chest here and we all be happy"

/ac "reload"

"And no one has to get the hurt"

/welcome motion

"Just do that one little thing for me, would you?"

/laugh motion

/thumbsup motion

"Yarr!!, Remeber, vote Saucy Sumi, or else!"


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  • 1 month later...

Latest instalment was a scary story at the Celebration of Autumn Stars - Sunday, October 25, 2015


Here you can see the use..

  • The echo channel to provide prompts to yourself
  • Job changes to enable summoning of the appropriate pet 
  • Costume changes with effects




[Macro 0]

/ac "Raging Strikes"  

/gearset change 11

/bow motion

/welcome motion

"Tonight I tell for you tale of a village from long ago, far far to the east."

/wait 4.0

"The village was very poor, as it was quite remote and few ever traveled there."

/wait 5.0

"Listen well to their struggle"

/poke motion

".. and what befalls them"

/laugh motion

"For many years things got worse and worse in this village, until they decided to make a sacrifice to the earth spirits so their crops might grow better."

/think motion

/e PRESS NEXT 11111



[Macro 1]

"A child was chosen and as they were about to sacrifice the child the earth spirit came forth."

/ac "Swiftcast"

/ac "Summon II"  

"So fierce was the spirit that they prostrated themselves in fear."

/grovel motion

"The spirit spoke and bid them not spill blood on its earth."

/yes motion

"Instead build a shrine to the earth spirits and they would grant the abundance of their harvest."

/petaction "Away"

"So the villages toiled to build a shrine to the earth spits."

/lookout motion

"However, on a stormy night the shrine collapsed and killed several of the villages working on it. The were ANGRY!"

/upset motion

/e PRESS NEXT CHANGE then 22222



[Macro 2]

"The villages were angry that the earth spirits would be so cruel and so they turned to the water spirits."

"Again they offered the sacrifice of the child so that the water spirits would allow their crops to flourish."

/ac "Swiftcast"

/ac "Summon"  

"The water spirit came forth and they bowed in respect to this spirit."

/bow motion

"The spirit spoke and bid them not spoil its waters with a dead child."

/yes motion

"Instead they should build a shrine to the water spirits and they would make sure the crops were watered and flourished."

/petaction "Away"

"So the villages toiled to build a shrine to the water spirits."

/lookout motion

"However, one night the shrine sank and killed several of the villages working on it. They were LIVID!"

/fume motion

/e PRESS NEXT CHANGE then 333333





[Macro 3]

"It was the air spirits they turned too next"

"They offered the sacrifice of the child so that the air spirits would allow hunters arrows to strike true."

/ac "Swiftcast"

/ac "Summon"  

"The air spirit came forth and they sighed in their frustrations."

/huh motion

"The spirit spoke and bid them not harm the child."

/yes motion

"Instead they should build a shrine to the air spirits and they would make sure their hunts were successful ."

/petaction "Away"

"So the villages toiled to build a shrine to the air spirits."

/lookout motion

"However, one night the shrine burnt down and killed several of the villages working on it. They were FURIOUS!"

/furious motion

/e PRESS NEXT 4444444





[Macro 4]

"Lastly it was Fire"

"They offered the sacrifice of the child so that the fire spirits would allow them the strength to take from others."

/minion "Cherry Bomb"

"The fire spirit came forth and they complained to it."

/doubt motion

"The spirit spoke and bid them not harm the child."

/yes motion

"Instead they should build a shrine to the fire spirits and they would make sure their warriors were fierce ."

/minion "Cherry Bomb"

"So the villages toiled to build a shrine to the fire spirits."

/lookout motion

"However, one night the fire from the shrine burnt down half the village killing many. They were INCONSOLABLE!"

/disappointed motion

/e PRESS NEXT 55555



[Macro 5]

"The village was ruined, many were dead and the people had no hope."

"Then a wispier came from the darkness and spoke to the child who would have been sacrificed."

/minion "Puff of Darkness"

"The wispier of the darkness told the villages to gather the dead, and strip the flesh from their bones to eat."

"At first they refused but it soon became clear they would die otherwise."

/deny motion

"The whisper of the darkness then bid them finish the shrines to the spirits making them bright and magnificent to behold."

/yes motion

"The villages had lost the will to refuse and so they toiled to build the shrines to the spirits."

/lookout motion

"They sent messages out into the land, telling of the place where the spirits listen to the wishes of the lost."

"Many years passed, and the village became prosperous from the trade of the visitors and the supply of fresh meat."

/ac "Raging Strikes"  

/gearset change 15

/e PRESS NEXT 66666



[Macro 6]

"So next time you come upon a remote village, consider if you will be there for supper"

/laugh motion

/laugh motion

"I hope you enjoyed this tale."

/bow motion


/bow motion


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  • 1 month later...

My latest one girl play, created for and performed at the Celebration of Gifts Event.


Here it is recreated in Sumi's room.




Macro 0




< The actress steps forward in her festive garb >

/bow motion

"Welcome all to a tale friendship, gifts and meanness"

"Please feel free to join in with the fun."

"Cheer the good guys..."

/cheer motion

"... and boo the bad guys"

/furious motion  

"I hope you enjoy."

"So without further ado .. ON WITH THE SHOW"

/welcome motion

/e Go to Girl & 11111



Macro 1


"Hello everyone! I'm Cindy."

/wave motion

"It has been a long hard year you know."

/yes motion

" But I managed to make a present for my brother."

"Now I just need to deliver it when I get some time off."

/think motion

"He will be so happy, and I just know he will have one for me too."

/e Go to WITCH and 22222



Macro 2


/fume motion

"Bah! Those pathetic presents with their happy presents."

/doubt motion

"How dare they send gifts to anyone but me!"

"Well not this year, this year all the presents will be MINE!"

/laugh motion

"This year, I will make it snow so much it will stop them delivering their presents."


"This year my plan will not fail. LET THE SNOW COME!"

/ac "Holy"

/e Go to Snowman & 3333



Macro 3


<.. strange snow folk take up positions in each town>

"Bah! Look at you all, a pathetic crowded"

/ac "fists of wind"

/ac "fists of wind"  

"Our mistress has sent us to do her bidding."

/ac "fists of wind"

"You just keep quiet and you won't get hurt"


/e Go Girl and 44444


Macro 4


"Did you hear.. it is terrible!"

/cry motion

"The Snow Queen has blocked everything in, what shall we do?"

/panic motion

"She says she will clear the snow if we put all our gifts next to the Snow Men."

/cry motion

"We have no choice! Is there no hope for us?"

/grovel motion

/e Go to SANTA and 5555



Macro 5


/lookout motion

"Hmm, it seems the Snow Queen has gone too far."

/bm on

"I can see from my list there has been much goodness this year."

"Tell me, should I help the people of the land?"

/bm off

"Should I save their hopes and gifts of joy?"

/think motion

"Very well, Old Nick will act. I can not challenge the Snow Queen directly but there are other ways."

"I have it, I will use helpers of my own!"

/joy motion

"Take that Snow Queen.. the people will have their hope!"

/e Go to Ninja and 6666



Macro 6


/wave motion

"Hello everyone, I'm Dancer, I'm here to put things right."

/dance motion

"They call me dancer, because I like to dance"

"Here is the plan, my little friends I send out to find these nasty Snow Men."

/ac "ten"

/ac "ten"

/ac "Ninjutsu"

"Off you go hoppy and find me a Snow Man"

/e 7777777


Macro 7

"Then when I find one.. well, that's the fun part."

/chuckle motion

"The Snow Man won't even know I'm there."

/ac "Hide"

"Wish me luck. lets win back hope for the land."

/e Go to Snow Man and 88888


Macro 8



"Well well well, the Queen's plan worked. I have all the townsfolk gifts."

/laugh motion

"All we do now is take them to the Queen"

"I have not even seen anyone try to stop us."

/wave motion

"So long suckers, I'll be getting a good reward for a job well done.. I'm certain."

/e Go Girl and 00000


Macro 9 (0)


/surprised motion

"Look everyone, someone brought this present here in the night!"

"It's from my brother, how can this be?"

/happy motion

"And inside.. oh my, it is a posh waitress uniform."

/gearset change 17

"Now I will be able to get that job I always wanted in the tea shop"

/examineself motion

/huzzah motion

"Hurray, whoever saved the gifts I thank you!"

/e Go to WITCH and 1111111



Macro 10 (1)


/furious motion

"Coal.. coal and more coal. What happened to all my presents?"

/fume motion

"Someone will pay for this.. starting with those incompetent Snow Minions!"

/doubt motion

"I know it was you Old Nick.. I'll get you next time old man!"

/angry motion


/e Go to Santa & 22222


Macro 11 (2)


/laugh motion

"Well well well, that all turned out rather jolly, if I do say so myself."

/bm on

"I can see from my list everyone got their presents."

"My little reindeer ninja's did a great job"

/bm off

/gearset change 35

"Joy and hope are alive in the land, and all is well?"

/think motion

"If you doubt this tale, then have a look inside those presents by the snow men. If you dare."

/laugh motion

"Now back to my work for next year"

/e 33333333



Macro 12 (3)

/ac "hide"

/gearset change 38

/ac "Kiss of the Wasp"

/wave motion

/dance motion

"And if you pay close attention you may just see a dancing helper on her way to deliver your gift."

/cheer motion

"HAPPY STARLIGHT TO ALL!  And to All a Good Night!"




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