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Xaela Concept

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Alright, I already know I want to make an Au Ra...though whether or not I'll dispose of Kihl/Keil or Effie to bypass some content is still up in the clouds. 




This is all under the assumption I might not be too active with any of the future/current Au Ra LS's or FC's or whatevers. Also under the assumption I might never end up with any of em due to time and shits. 


Now we all know how these Xaela tribes are practically at each other's throats 24/7, right? So I ended up thinking. He/she'll be a loner most of the time considering my weird ass timezone compared to most of you. So why not this?


He/she's like the sole survivor of a tribe that's really got some bad blood with -insert random RPC tribe-. Hell you could even say das part of the reason your tribe moved to Eorzea aside from lack or resource/just for the hell of it, is hunting down this straggling little (or big in the male's case) shit. 


He/she could potentially be Eorzea Xaela Enemy Number 1. Yus, I am aware this would probably end badly for my Au Ra but what's life without a number of blood thirsty tribes after your ass? It's like saying Ramona doesn't have an army of loan sharks and debt collectors after her ass. Also anyone who wants to be hired muscle sent after room because of her incurred debt are welcome to apply. 


Anyway that's the core of it. He/she's in Eorzea laying low, hoping that maybe..just maybe no one's going to call him/her out for having darker scales than the, I would assume, Raen Au Ra that just apparently came with the Domans and is apparently in Revenant's Toll with the Domans. But mainly to avoid the blood thristy tribes after him/her...if there would even be any. 


I'm making a buttload of assumptions. I know. And this probably looks half-assed, can't really do much with the basic idea and absolutely no knowledge of how those tribes would work. Or I'm probably not digging hard enough. 


Personality (Female Xae)


The fact that Au Ra women only cap at 5'2 height is a perfect vessel I can copy Effie's general personality to. I mean she pops when someone mentions her lack of height but I've never had any opportunities to get Effie IC at all. 


At any rate you've got your run of the mill shorty with an ego that of three fully grown Roemen stacked one on top of the other. Okay that's an understatement. An ego the size of Dalamud stacked on top of Hydaelyn the planet, stacked on top of Hydaelyn the crystal. 


Personality (Male Xae)


Yeah I'mm have to work this from scratch, probably play a little bit on contrast. Looks like an edgelord, isn't the least bit an edgelord, etc etc. I dunno I'll work it out when I'm a bit more in the character dev't mood. 


To that end, anyone even remotely interested or well has some feedback?


Yes a glaringly obvious thing was that I still haven't thought of is how he/she came to Eorzea.


After seeing the doman style naming of the Raen I opted not to because anyone who can understand some japanese words or uses some translating device are probably going to realize how gloriously stupid a name I will come up with.


Example: Hatsuki Moonsquatter. Ha(<


It's basically the same reason I don't have a Hellsguard...god knows I'd do something like Fast Rock or Big Foot or Little Foot or Fluid Mountain, god forbid, FAST FOOD. 


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*in his best Frank Drebbin voice* I LOVE IT!


I would only find one glaring loophole in the whole "laying low" angle in that the Auri are a completely alien thing to most Eorzeans, even though we're expecting something of a population explosion of tails and horns.


That said, that could also work to your charrie's advantage, as she can hide in a crowd as all Auri would likely look the same to Eorzeans...


Hmm...I think I just explained away my only real trepidation here. Derp.

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*in his best Frank Drebbin voice*  I LOVE IT!


I would only find one glaring loophole in the whole "laying low" angle in that the Auri are a completely alien thing to most Eorzeans, even though we're expecting something of a population explosion of tails and horns.


That said, that could also work to your charrie's advantage, as she can hide in a crowd as all Auri would likely look the same to Eorzeans...


Hmm...I think I just explained away my only real trepidation here.  Derp.


He/she's in Eorzea laying low, hoping that maybe..just maybe no one's going to call him/her out for having darker scales than the, I would assume, Raen Au Ra that just probably came with the Domans

^^^This line right here. He/she's hoping that to the Normal Eorzean the difference is about as normal as a fair skinned Shroud hyur to a sunkissed Lominsan hyur.


Even then it's not entirely normal now that I think about it, but you get the gist right?

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Sounds pretty interesting, my Xae-ra is going to be the last of her tribe (or as far as she knows, they could have survived and she was just seperated from them) and she could have a particular issue with yours if their tribes were enemies. She's pretty fiery and vengeance is something of a past time to her.

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I suspected that "last of a decimated tribe" would be a popular concept alright. It's a shame that their lore makes it difficult considering their lack of presence in Eorzea because it would be a very interesting dynamic that I, unfortunately, will likely not be able to play a real part in.


My character will be largely following in the steps of his companion so I don't know how much of his own story I can leak into this without giving him his own, individual goals and identities(which is contrary to the concept he has, haha).


For anyone other than the OP though, you should consider finding like-minded people and play as a group that are the "last remnants of a tribe" as opposed to the "sole survivor" if you are interested in the lore at all. That'd be really cool to see and hear about in the open world, even if I likely won't get to play much part in it ;_;



In any case, I hope someone latches on to your idea, Ramuh! Anything to see some Auri, tribal concepts dragged into Eorzea.

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Sounds pretty interesting, my Xae-ra is going to be the last of her tribe (or as far as she knows, they could have survived and she was just seperated from them) and she could have a particular issue with yours if their tribes were enemies. She's pretty fiery and vengeance is something of a past time to her.


They could be in opposing tribes or they could actually be part of the same tribe as well if you want really. To put a little spice into it, maybe they both think that their tribe is really gone, maybe that's just not the case and they were separated and like you said there are other survivors. Let's put a clincher too for added feels. Siblings. Our characters could be that. Makes the first time they meet all the more sweeter.


Also I see what you did there with the Xae-ra, Froria, very naisu Frioria-chaaaaaaaaaaan.


I suspected that "last of a decimated tribe" would be a popular concept alright. It's a shame that their lore makes it difficult considering their lack of presence in Eorzea because it would be a very interesting dynamic that I, unfortunately, will likely not be able to play a real part in.


My character will be largely following in the steps of his companion so I don't know how much of his own story I can leak into this without giving him his own, individual goals and identities(which is contrary to the concept he has, haha).


For anyone other than the OP though, you should consider finding like-minded people and play as a group that are the "last remnants of a tribe" as opposed to the "sole survivor" if you are interested in the lore at all. That'd be really cool to see and hear about in the open world, even if I likely won't get to play much part in it ;_;



In any case, I hope someone latches on to your idea, Ramuh! Anything to see some Auri, tribal concepts dragged into Eorzea.


This is just an core idea I'll end up using if I can't seem to find an Au Ra LS or FC or tribe to be in or if I can find one but not be around for the beefy stuff since my timezone has a habit of biting me in the ass. It's tough when you're 12-15 hours ahead of most of the people here and all.

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Sounds pretty interesting, my Xae-ra is going to be the last of her tribe (or as far as she knows, they could have survived and she was just seperated from them) and she could have a particular issue with yours if their tribes were enemies. She's pretty fiery and vengeance is something of a past time to her.


They could be in opposing tribes or they could actually be part of the same tribe as well if you want really. To put a little spice into it, maybe they both think that their tribe is really gone, maybe that's just not the case and they were separated and like you said there are other survivors. Let's put a clincher too for added feels. Siblings. Our characters could be that. Makes the first time they meet all the more sweeter.


Also I see what you did there with the Xae-ra, Froria, very naisu Frioria-chaaaaaaaaaaan.




Oh, there's another thought. Perhaps we can work something more out later! I'll try and catch you in game the next time i see you and see if we can brainstorm some stuff.

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Hey there! I'm still working pretty hard to connect all people of Othardian background that may help!   The LS is Othard United and growing steadily. I try to be logged on alot and feel free to send me a message or friend request in game! ( as Kiri Komori ) I know at least one established FC for fellow AuRa!   


As for us notoriously aggressive Xaela, whos to say you can't punch someone in their face then be a friend? ;D   Also with alot of "sole survivors out there. I would hope my fellow Xaela would understand the benefit of coming to a common ground and forming new tribes in this new land. (I am personally going to of just been seperated from the pack along with an one of the injured males, who will be a retainer in my front yard (yay for NPC RP!) and a odd couple relationship with a Raen girl i happened across (RL Friend) who's feeling alone and scared after this long trip to Eorzea ) 


Either way, Anyone reading this feel free to give a message if your looking for other Au Ra connections as well! I hope I can be of some help!

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Hey there! I'm still working pretty hard to connect all people of Othardian background that may help!   The LS is Othard United and growing steadily. I try to be logged on alot and feel free to send me a message or friend request in game! ( as Kiri Komori ) I know at least one established FC for fellow AuRa!   


As for us notoriously aggressive Xaela, whos to say you can't punch someone in their face then be a friend? ;D   Also with alot of "sole survivors out there. I would hope my fellow Xaela would understand the benefit of coming to a common ground and forming new tribes in this new land. (I am personally going to of just been seperated from the pack along with an one of the injured males, who will be a retainer in my front yard (yay for NPC RP!) and a odd couple relationship with a Raen girl i happened across (RL Friend) who's feeling alone and scared after this long trip to Eorzea ) 


Either way, Anyone reading this feel free to give a message if your looking for other Au Ra connections as well! I hope I can be of some help!


Well if you can get past his/her personality, I can't see why you couldn't talk him/her into your newly formed tribe of people from other tribes. A multi-tribe tribe I say. Also, peep below for the characters I'm on, usually it's either Kurt, Ramona or Nah. Though my catboy lancer will get the short stick and be turned into a Drag(on) Queen...or an Edgemaster mk. EDGE. So edgy you'd suddenly end up having cuts on your arm you didn't know about just by looking at him.


I'll look for you and Floria and well whoever else wants to meet him/her. Once I'm happy with what I make with the benchmark I'll post some pics here to showcase what they'd look like.

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Hey there! I'm still working pretty hard to connect all people of Othardian background that may help!   The LS is Othard United and growing steadily. I try to be logged on alot and feel free to send me a message or friend request in game! ( as Kiri Komori ) I know at least one established FC for fellow AuRa!   


As for us notoriously aggressive Xaela, whos to say you can't punch someone in their face then be a friend? ;D   Also with alot of "sole survivors out there. I would hope my fellow Xaela would understand the benefit of coming to a common ground and forming new tribes in this new land. (I am personally going to of just been seperated from the pack along with an one of the injured males, who will be a retainer in my front yard (yay for NPC RP!) and a odd couple relationship with a Raen girl i happened across (RL Friend) who's feeling alone and scared after this long trip to Eorzea ) 


Either way, Anyone reading this feel free to give a message if your looking for other Au Ra connections as well! I hope I can be of some help!


Well if you can get past his/her personality, I can't see why you couldn't talk him/her into your newly formed tribe of people from other tribes. A multi-tribe tribe I say. Also, peep below for the characters I'm on, usually it's either Kurt, Ramona or Nah. Though my catboy lancer will get the short stick and be turned into a Drag(on) Queen...or an Edgemaster mk. EDGE. So edgy you'd suddenly end up having cuts on your arm you didn't know about just by looking at him.


I'll look for you and Floria and well whoever else wants to meet him/her. Once I'm happy with what I make with the benchmark I'll post some pics here to showcase what they'd look like.


Koi.will be my xaera and I'll be.working on leveling her and.tukiko for.awhile, if I'm not on flo, check for them (full names below)

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Hey there! I'm still working pretty hard to connect all people of Othardian background that may help!   The LS is Othard United and growing steadily. I try to be logged on alot and feel free to send me a message or friend request in game! ( as Kiri Komori ) I know at least one established FC for fellow AuRa!   


As for us notoriously aggressive Xaela, whos to say you can't punch someone in their face then be a friend? ;D   Also with alot of "sole survivors out there. I would hope my fellow Xaela would understand the benefit of coming to a common ground and forming new tribes in this new land. (I am personally going to of just been seperated from the pack along with an one of the injured males, who will be a retainer in my front yard (yay for NPC RP!) and a odd couple relationship with a Raen girl i happened across (RL Friend) who's feeling alone and scared after this long trip to Eorzea ) 


Either way, Anyone reading this feel free to give a message if your looking for other Au Ra connections as well! I hope I can be of some help!


Well if you can get past his/her personality, I can't see why you couldn't talk him/her into your newly formed tribe of people from other tribes. A multi-tribe tribe I say. Also, peep below for the characters I'm on, usually it's either Kurt, Ramona or Nah. Though my catboy lancer will get the short stick and be turned into a Drag(on) Queen...or an Edgemaster mk. EDGE. So edgy you'd suddenly end up having cuts on your arm you didn't know about just by looking at him.


I'll look for you and Floria and well whoever else wants to meet him/her. Once I'm happy with what I make with the benchmark I'll post some pics here to showcase what they'd look like.


Koi.will be my xaera and I'll be.working on leveling her and.tukiko for.awhile, if I'm not on flo, check for them (full names below)


I'll keep that in mind. At any rate I've decided I'll just go female...because if I go male you can bet your ass I'll play him as a joke. 


Dunno which to use doe...






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