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New to Balmung and FFXIV

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I've been fiddling about with FFXIV for a month now (just got my 30-day veteran reward, yay) and I'm of a mind to not just build a character but a story as well.


I'm playing Taki'a Venn, a miqo'te "Keeper of the Moon" from a tribe in a distant corner of the Shroud.  As the tribal matriarchs discuss relocating the tribe closer to the settled lands of Gridania in response to increasing dangers since the Calamity he strikes out in search of adventure and new experiences.


Starting off in the distant lands of Thanalan he arrives in Ul'dah taking up the sword of the Gladiator's Guild as a way of making a name for himself.


Taki'a is the eldest son of the chief matriarch of his tribe.  He has dozens upon dozens of sisters and cousins and only a small handful of younger brothers and boy cousins combined.  An elderly male, too old to wander, was an "uncle" to him, telling him of the world and instrumental in his decision to seek a life of fame and fortune adventuring.


Concept-wise he's a young wanderer "fresh off the carriage" in search of grand adventure and far more likely to find himself in grand trouble instead.  He has a kind heart and a protective instinct regarding those he cares about.


For now he's still in single-digits of levels but I welcome contact and am in no grand hurry to "race to the level cap" and hope to meet as many of you as possible.

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Welcome!!  You're definitely in the right place to meet new and friendly people... I've only been here a couple of days myself but folks are so friendly!! 


I'd say you can add me inworld, but this is the time I usually go to bed. :(


I'm still at work.  Only mid-afternoon here in California.  It'll be another couple hours before I'm on.  But thanks all the same!

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Hey, welcome from a fellow newbie! For what it's worth I think you're on to something by deciding to take your time; I kinda bum-rushed to 50 myself, and now that I'm there, I'm wishing I'd have taken things a little slower.  Move at the pace you're comfortable with, and enjoy the journey. As a few other folks have mentioned, feel free to add me if you like. (In-game name is Grinning Jackal.)

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Please try to be annoying; I think people like it the attention. Lalalala 


I have to agree with the background as that was my original idea with Jancis. It's fleshed out a bit more now that I have a better understanding with some of the lore layout (which is luckily still pretty open to interpretation and generous) and spent a lot of my new time just learning.

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