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Grettings from a future Rper


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Hello everyone. I am Aven. Ive played FFXIV for a few months but took a hiatus. When i return it will be with the expansion as an Au Ra. I hope to focus more on role play this time around. I have been a role player for many years so you will find me no stranger to its workings. My Au Ra lore and story is still under construction but i will finialize it shortly after the information is made available.


it is a honor to meet you all.

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Thank you for the warm greetings, I have started trying to figure out this whole wiki thing. Im starting to get the hang of it. I look forward to meeting you all in game come heavensward


If you have any issues with the wiki, feel free to ask around. Or, there are several "default" wiki formats and styles you can take from other peoples' wikis and use... as long as you give credit where credit is due!


I know that's what I did with my wiki and it helped a lot in organization (and reduce the need to learn overly much of wikicode)!

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