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Abandon all hope, ye who enter here


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In other words: Stock up on sweatpants and tv dinners, it's time to sacrifice countless hours to yet another MMORPG.


Greetings from a total FFXIV newbie! Like many others, I've been lured to the game by several friends who have been playing for some time, as well as a few others who I'm dragging along with me. That and, of course, the promise of a thriving RP community!


Any who, since all the cool kids seem to be doing it...


--MMORPG background

While I might be new to Hydaelyn, I am no stranger to MMOs. I've been playing the things off and on since the original Everquest. The last MMO I was thoroughly active on would be Aion-- but I've been touch and go with a few others in recent years including: Tera, Elder Scrolls Online, World of Warcraft, Archeage, and a few others. 


--RP experience

I'm even less of a stranger to RP. I can't honestly count how many years of my life have been spent hunkered over a keyboard in a dimly lit room, snickering and conniving over the lives and times of fictional characters. I lost count around 10 years, and frankly that was several years ago. /cough, I might be aging myself a bit.


I've done everything from MMOs to chatrooms to forum RP-- the latter of which would probably be my main venue as well as my speciality. (If you can't tell already, I like me some words.) I find the "real time," rapid-fire environment of the MMO scene to be super refreshing though, so I like to get involved with them whenever I come across active communities.


--Character ideas/info

This is up in the air, given I only just joined the game and am still getting a feel for the story. I know my main will most definitely be a massive-weapon-wielding-mercenary-type Au Ra (Xaela) come the 23rd (yeah yeah, jumping on the bandwagon, I'm a sucker for huge male characters), but personality/history/etc remains TBD until I've gotten a better grasp on ARR's world and what will be conducive to it as well as the Auri lore. At this point though, I'm more concerned with securing myself a spot on Balmung so as to join my friends and the primary RPC. Luckily, I still have some time 'til the expac to hopefully get situated/learn the ropes!


--How did you learn about the coalition?

Word of mouth from friends and, of course, trusty ol' Google. 


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I'm happiest at a heavy level so long as I have a few reliable partners who are just as enthusiastic about it as me. If the gameplay/leveling/etc is particularly enjoyable though, I might shift between heavy and medium, depending on my mood. On average though, my priorities usually go something like RP > PVP (if I like the game's design for it, that is) > PVE. 


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Sometimes I art. Assuming I'm able to dive into the RP community and get things going IC, you can bet on seeing some character art from me eventually. I mostly work in Photoshop using a Yiynova tablet or my Surface Pro 3.


Beyond that-- I'm a college student who lives with her fiance, two cats, and little mutant of a Pug+Pomeranian dog. I like dark themes and probably spend more time watching horror movies than should be considered healthy. 


Any who-- Really looking forward to hopefully meeting some new people and taking part in some outstanding RP. I intend to wind up on Balmung (like everyone else and their dog, assuming I can get lucky with the character restrictions), probably under the name Verik Sarael (iffy, of course, 'til I get on Balmung... And we're still waiting on word regarding Au Ra naming conventions). I like to think of myself as a pretty friendly individual, so never hesitate to say hello!

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Welcome to the RPC, and hopefully soon, to Balmung! There is a very large roleplaying community here, and we're only getting bigger, judging from the returning players, new players and the like! 

Hope to see you in game!

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Hello there and welcome to the FFXIV and the RPC.


If you are looking for a time to get on Balmung, any time right after maintenance will give you a good window. (Or if you are a sucker for trying to see if you can get your character made in that minute before maintenance starts, there's that too.) Otherwise, weekdays around ~7/6 AM EST/CST are fairly good times to check for character creation on Balmung.


I hope to see you around. n u n

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Thank ye for the welcome!


I'm a pretty stubborn sort, so I'll be harassing the server regularly 'til I can manage to get in. I really appreciate the pointers though and I'll be sure to try taking advantage of any maintenance. If not that, then I suppose I'll tough it out 'til the coming week days. (/determination)

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Welcome to the RPC! I've done a bit of RP on WoW back on Silver Hand when it first released, and then Moon Guard a few years back. If you're in need of RP, check out some of the wikis in my signature and let me know if you're interested :) My schedule is relatively hectic but I try to find time for people where I can.

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Thank ya Val! I'll absolutely check out your profiles-- the wiki in general seems pretty awesome so far in general. 


In other news: I'm officially on Balmung! I broke and bought the transfer on a temp character when he turned 72 hours old. (There comes a point where I'm willing to throw a little extra money around to save myself time and frustration. I'm weak.) 


While I likely won't be RPing 'til after the expansion (fantasia'ing this temporary, non-RP guy into an au ra and likely purchasing a name change after we find out what Xaela naming conventions are), feel free to say hi if anyone sees me. My temporary name there is Azrael Malephar. c:

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Aw! Pug-pomeranian! A friend of mine has one, they are adoooorable.


Welcome to Balmung! I was going to suggest transferring to get in, but you already did that!


Balmung definitely has a big RP community... hope to see you about! :)

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