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The Creation of Abradabra. Looking for friends!

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As Abradabra would say it.

But, welcome to my thread! I suppose I'll be known as Abra for this game, but what little friends I have know me as Uki from a different character I use to play.


For FFXIV, Abradabra is for sure my main! Though, I do have a character named Ukiyo...

I digress. Sorry if this becomes a super long introduction!

Anyway, I'm a huge MMO fan and a huge RP fan. My RP style gets a little long winded for an MMO sometimes, but I'm working on finding a good balance of simplicity yet detailed description the more I RP in MMO's (I'm far more used to forum and tabletop RPing). 


I also find that the emotes that FFXIV may help me get a little shorter in posts--I love the emotes in this game!


But as for this game, I haven't made any RP connections just yet and I figured I should introduce myself and my character here and let everyone know that I'm totes up for RPing! So, if you see me just idling around, feel free to start something with me (I'm still unsure of all the RP areas, so I don't typically post anything to initiate all the time, but I'm learning).


I've also never really been a devoted fan of FF the series in general. I grew up knowing about it but I only recently started to love and admire it through FFXIV. So, lore wise, I'm a little lacking in knowledge of it. I read things here and there when I can, but every little bit someone can tell me is always welcomed! I also hope to just learn more through RPing!


As for my character:



Abradabra is her name! But she goes mainly by Abra. She is a dunes Lala and lacks a last name because of her having a lack of a family. She is a "flame dancer" of sorts, using her fire magic from being a black mage to perform exotic dances for people. When I originally thought of her, I wanted so badly to stick her into a gypsy/entertainment troupe and still want to. So, if anyone knows of a group I can possibly contact to make that part of her story happen, I'd appreciate the suggestion or the offer!


I don't have the perfect outfit for her performances yet, still being fairly new to the game, but that can be remedied story wise pretty easily.


She's eager, passionate, kind, enthusiastic, and overall a free spirit. Age wise, she's the equivalent to our 18 year olds--bright eyed, curious, and up for learning about everything. As well as hard headed to thinking she's always right, in some instances.


She's quirky but in an innocently playful way. Adult enough to have a good conversation but a bit A.D.D. She can also be a bit slow on the up take. Catching what someone meant a few conversations later.


As of now, she travels with Totonga Mamanga (my BF's char), who is (as of right now) a traveling archaeologist. They met (unless he changes his mind about his char) when he was out doing something and she was being chased by giant creatures. He helped her get away and come to find she had been separated from her (*insert that troupe here*). She doesn't recall much about that night and how she was divided from her "family", but she's now on the lookout for them as she ventures with Totonga through the various places his job takes him.


She doesn't have any of her dancing supplies except her flame staff due to that separation from her troupe, either. So she can be found mainly at the Quicksand for now; renting a room there by helping to wash dishes and clean the place on occasion.


So far, that's all I have! I'd love to get her into the RP community, so if anyone wants to set up a time or something, let me know! Or, if you just see me out there, like I said, start at random and I'll follow. The more natural an RP starts and evolves on its own, the better!

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Hay, guys!


Just wanted you to know that I'm still searching for more friends. I've found some, but that doesn't mean I'm not up for more! I've gotten a little better at approaching others randomly as well.


Also. She does pronounce things a little off. So if you see me miss spelling certain words, I promise it's because she says it that way.


Like Mi'qotah.

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Hay, guys!


Just wanted you to know that I'm still searching for more friends. I've found some, but that doesn't mean I'm not up for more! I've gotten a little better at approaching others randomly as well.


Also. She does pronounce things a little off. So if you see me miss spelling certain words, I promise it's because she says it that way.


Like Mi'qotah.


I will make it a goal to bump into you. : )

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I will make it a goal to bump into you. : )


I'd gladly be your friend c:



Hai, you two!

Can't wait to see you in game!

Hopefully, neither of your chars get annoyed with Abra's child like ways.


And I stalked your thread some, Redwing. I like those story ideas you're looking for.

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