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[Balmung] Twin Adder looking for friends!

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Hello! A'ndranaris Tia here! I am relatively new to the game (aka super noob) and to the role playing scene as well. I am usually a raider in game (which I would still like to do) but I really want to get into role playing. Right now his story is rather bland but I am hoping to make some good friends who can help me with his story progression into Eorzean society and his personality also. I am still quite unsure how to develop him but that will come with time!


I don't have any jobs currently at max level but I am working on it! I am in the EST time zone and am on daily (usually night) if anyone wants to be my friend! :3


Wiki page! I will figure out this website soon!



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Hey there buddy, Tynos used to be part of the Adders, and our company is located in the Beds, we are mostly apart of a small FC called HWTC. We are tech in debt to the state of gridinia so if you have interest in that sort of thing, of him being assigned kind of a low priority job of making sure a poor trading company pays their due on time with a bunch of weirdos in the company itself. We would love to have you over and love to have interest if you are into the company wed love to have ya over! Contact me on the rpc or in game @ Tynos Riller.

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My Keeper John isn't an Adder but he's training a little in CNJ and also taking the time to see if he can find any of his family as well, (which is kind of hard since he doesn't know his Keeper Name).  I should be on a little later today (working on another character story at the moment) if you want to PM him to set up a chance meeting.

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Sweet, I will send you guys a message when I get on later today... or perhaps see you wondering about!

Shoot sorry if I missed you.  Got tangle up in John's story as well after finishing Kestlona.  Won't be on John tonight, Kest is going to be at the Bacchus shot event.  But Saturday I'll be focusing on getting some RP in with John.

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Hey, why didn't I notice this thread before?


I have a Twin Adder character! He's just a White Wolf for now, though, no other special rank or anything except "I haven't killed my first human opponent yet". I'd like to RP him a little more, but he's always stuck in the Shroud and the rest of my RP circle is based in La Noscea, so he doesn't get out much. (Maybe he'll be a liaison officer someday? but he's got to git gud first)


It's possible they might have seen eachother in passing at Headquarters or around the city, goin' about their business. Send me a message if you'd like for them to bump into eachother! I won't be on much today but I'm usually on afternoons/nights, EST.

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Hey! I will be on tomorrow during the day and then I am going to be on afternoon/nights all weekend! A'ndranaris has been wondering of late, but he has returned to Gridania after his most recent caravan, he will be on guard duty of the city. :)

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