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[One-time]The Grindstone Special II: The Price of Freedom - July 11

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was going to write up some poncy flowery description of the turn-out last night, but I think the numbers speak for themselves.


The crowd contributed a grand total of 3,370,000 gil to help the Grindstone continue awarding a prize at the end of the weekly tournament. Funded through the end of 2015, we received enough to increase the winning pot to 140,000 for the night. It was more than I thought would be even remotely possible and I'm in awe of the support this community provides for our little shindig.


So thank you to everyone who donated, everyone who showed up and everyone who has been a part of the Grindstone in some capacity since it got started! It's kind of incredible, I think, but I might be juuuust a touch biased.


Bids/winners and money is, as always, in that Grindstone Records link in my signature block - Check the "Money" and "Bids!" tabs.

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