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Heavensward, Spoilers, and Linkshells.

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I hope I do not come off as a bitch with this thread, but since literally all the linkshells in my rosters (of any of my characters) are from members of the RPC, I thought to post here would only make things easier rather than having private conversations with each shell in game.


I for one will be a player who will not be delving into Heavensward's story now or soon. I have other things to do first, and my character is obliged to not progress through the MSQ just yet. And I'm also one of those people who really hate spoilers.


So the very first thing I'll be doing once I log in will be to filter off /shout. However, I'd really like to be able to keep my linkshells un-filtered and talk in them at ease. Filtering linkshells off is something that I always feel bad about and I'm happy I haven't had to do it more than a couple times so far.


So here's the point of the post in its entirey. Could we make a mutual agreement to not bring up spoilers or discuss the HW story in linkshells channels? It's okay if you're doing the story with friends and you want to comment with them, but that can easily be done in party, in tell, in FC, what you have. I doubt every single people in your linkshell will be doing just that, and I'm also sure I'm not the only one who'd be annoyed to read spoilers in my LS log about the expansion I can't play yet.


So yeah, that's just it. Let's try to be considerate of each other in-game. I'd be deeply obliged if LS leaders passed on request to not type spoilers to their linkshell members within the linkshell channel. Or at the very least, the LS leaders of the LSs I'm in, cause I'm not trying to fight everyone's battle here. I'm just literally concerned about myself and my enjoyment of the game.


If however people can find a reason why this request would be hurtful and too constraining of others, by all means I will accept your decision to ignore it, and just filter linkshells off of my log till I'm ready.

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This reminds me to tweak a filter once I'm in game, I too do not want to see tons of spoiler related stuff in shout and chat channels either. It would be nice to see folks try to be respectful of not bombarding public chat areas with spoilers to story related content. Sadly I'm sure like me you are prepared for it in some manner cause it's probably going to happen.


Did get my shout turned off at least heh.

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