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Linkshell leader meeting!


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(This is an OOC meeting!)I have most likely already contacted you in game, we will be meeting Wednesday April 25th and if we have schedule problems we will meet again on Monday the 30th as well. Starting time will most likely be 8 to 10 PM CST time. I expect those attending to behave and be polite to each other, your opinions will be asked, but we will not have fighting over it. If a dispute occurs I will give one warning and anymore afterwards you will be removed and not asked to come back. We will be grouping up to talk in party chat, but I'd like to do voice chat as well, if speaking is a problem for you feel free to tell me and it will be handled.


The topics will be about our community, about your linkshells and your plans for them, discussing what needs to be done on the path for 2.0 and about Free Companies. I expect everyone to have something to add to this discussions, if I missed a topic you want to focus on, bring it up during the meeting.


For those of you of the community that have not been invited, your thoughts are just as important. However due to the size and the differing opinions of the Roleplaying community, only linkshell leaders are invited, to avoid any kind of chaos. If you have your own ideas, feel free to post them in this thread and we will discuss it.


I hope to mend bridges and bring the community closer together, I want us to have a respected voice in the general FFXIV community. The only way to do this is come together. I will see you in game and on the forums, any questions feel free to ask me on Endricane Feltaro.

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I hope this produces results. If the linkshell leaders aren't willing to come together to discuss matters that can lead to better community unity, then there are some serious problems going on that even the best peacemaker can't fix.


I don't even need to be that blunt, but still.


Again, I hope this produces positive results and a better, more cohesive, involved community.

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So sorry to butt in further, but I'd like to say something since Skype is also used as a voice chat program:


One thing I've noticed regarding this community is the over-reliance on voice communications for casual conversations, sometimes to the point of using it as a mechanism to go around other people's backs for gossip. This is something I would like to see people discouraged from doing, or at least implementing a strict policy addressing the potential risk of abuses.


I'm speaking from personal experience and feel this should at least be a topic for discussion among guilds. >.>

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So sorry to butt in further, but I'd like to say something since Skype is also used as a voice chat program:


One thing I've noticed regarding this community is the over-reliance on voice communications for casual conversations, sometimes to the point of using it as a mechanism to go around other people's backs for gossip. This is something I would like to see people discouraged from doing, or at least implementing a strict policy addressing the potential risk of abuses.


I'm speaking from personal experience and feel this should at least be a topic for discussion among guilds. >.>


Skype or no, sideline talk will always happen given the means. In fact, if all the voice servers and third party chat programs were dropped, you'd still have the same issues simply because people will resort to /tells and party chat, which in fact, already happens.


It isn't an over-reliance using other means of communications that should have been present in the game from day one, but because they weren't, we as a player base have to resort to such means of communications because many of us find it far more efficient to either type without constrictions as dictated by the game or simply just talk things out. In gist, other means of communication aren't used solely for gossip as much as you'd think. There shouldn't need to be a strict policy in how we as a player base chat to one another or conduct business.

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The 'master' of our linkshell will be attending to some real life business and will be unable to attend. I and 2 leaders from our linkshell will attend in his stead. However' date=' I am unable to do voice chat.[/quote']


Only one of you will be able to attend, just like all the other shells, one leader per. So leave all your questions with that person and such. But glad to see you all joining us, it's also an Out of Character meeting, so don't come In character please.

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Only one of you will be able to attend' date=' just like all the other shells, one leader per. So leave all your questions with that person and such. But glad to see you all joining us, it's also an Out of Character meeting, so don't come In character please.[/quote']



Thank you Endricane for notifying me on our forum, that only one leader from each LS will be allowed to be present. There was a reason, I needed two with me, without going into detail, I shall find a better representative to be present. Once again, thank you for the clarification. We will make sure whomever attends, knows that it is OOC.

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I am Arturia Saber of the linkshell "The Magistra," formerly known as House of Sakamoto.


I will be attending this meeting on behalf of my linkshell and our leader Nanase Sakamoto.


I have never had a meeting over skype; however, I request to not use voice chat.


Please let me know how I should contact you so that I can meet with you later tonight. I am not all that familiar with using skype.


My skype name is ZeldaTetraSheik


I look forward to the meeting.

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Due to the time of this meeting, and being in the middle of the week ShimmerSong will be represented by one of our members that will contact shortly, if possible a leader will step in instead.

The objective of our participation in this meeting is learning about the direction of the community as a whole, and hear about plans towards the future.

For now SS remains open to plan, and discuss events with any interested groups and means as long as ic relevant and non-offsenive, and plans of the future of SS won't be disclosed.



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Well, I've been called into work again (yaay... server migrations...!) and I don't know how long I'm going to be here. I may be able to make it back in time, otherwise one of TALE's other leaders will come in my place. I'm trying to confirm now who can come as a rep.

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